Michelle Mulherin the new Alice Glenn/Mary Whitehouse

Disagree completely Sunny. To suggest that 1.2 billion Roman Catholics worldwide agree with all of the teachings of the Church and not disagree on any of them, now that is absurd.
Quite why non Catholics are so concerned with how Catholics are defined I don't get, as michaelm said, why do they care?

So you are saying that you don't believe the Pope is infallible or open to error? That is the cornerstone of the Roman Catholic Church. You can't just ignore this and then declare yourself a practicing Roman Catholic. You are Christian but you are not Catholic just because you agree with some of the churches teachings. I agree with some teachings from other religions but it doesn't make me part of that religion if I ignore the Central dogma of that faith.
In religious terms its the ones with the zeal and the 'check you brain at the door' mentality that we need to be wary of - militant Islamists anyone??

As for RC, I'm 'culturally catholic', but I think it takes breathtaking arrogance to say RC has all the answers and must be followed and accepted without question - that's barmy.

Do you not think if God paid a visit that he wouldn't change even one aspect of RC teachings? The last direct despatch was over 2,000 years ago and, it seems, at lot got muddled in the meantime (e.g. Mary Magdelene's dramatic fall from grace).

When there's a day of reckoning it will be Christian Values (or the non-religious equivalents self-evident and recorded since the time of the ancient Greeks - truth, fairness, love, that type of thing) and not canon law that will be the yardstick against which we'll be measured.

And you dont wanna be that chaff then do ya?, y'know, that what's separated from the wheat....
except probably the best means of resisting, onanism a sin too

quick fact, corn flakes were supposed to have been developed as cure for onanism).


I had an idea onanism was masterbation (cannot believe it, that's the first time I've every written that word) but I googled to dubble check yesterday. Initially I must have mistyped coz I got info about cults etc. And you're right on the money about Mr. Kellogg. Some people really have strange views.

You also mentioned abstension, and nothing wrong with that either, I presume that's on the Spun Out website too. We'll all ideally prefer if our teenage kids waited until they were a bit older and in a mature relationship before having a two some never mind a threesome.
It's a bit rich a self proclaimed atheist telling others what the true definition of a Christian is.

I don't know about that now, surely he's allowed give his own opinion on what the definition of a Christain is whether he one or isn't one?

One thing for sure from all you a la carte Catholics on this thread, seems to me it means anything goes. Great club that. Who wouldn't want to be a member of such an easy going religion.

Makes me wonder what does it actually mean to be a 'proper' member of that religion. Anyone care to enlighten me. Of course technically I'm a member too as I haven't been excommunicationed and my sins are many, including no doubt both cardinal and mortal sins (the best kind of sins those I think).
Bronte - there will always be different levels of faith/belief/zeal among followers of all religions, why you think this is such a RC problem, or such an issue at all, is puzzling to me. Some believe harder, that's life, move on.
But the original SpunOut "threesomes" article didn't acknowledge this. This is why they're in hot water now.

They mentioned the pros and cons, they explained what a threesome is and they emphasised condom use. They did this in a way that teenagers understand, which is not the same thing as an adults way of understanding something. The website doesn't talk down to them or lecture them or sound like a parent which would put them off.

We as adults with our experiences (and no Bronte has not done a threesome - yet) know there is more to getting hurt etc but the website would be unable to convey that to people who have very few, relatively speaking, experiences be it personal or sexual so maybe the website doesn't need to go there. If the speak in a bookish way, in a clinical way, in a lecturing tone then teenagers will not go to that website as a resource and they'll go elsewhere and end up in even bigger messes.

What is the alternative to Spun Out basically.
Bronte - there will always be different levels of faith/belief/zeal among followers of all religions, why you think this is such a RC problem, or such an issue at all, is puzzling to me. Some believe harder, that's life, move on.

I don't think it's just a RC problem. It applies to all religions. I just happen to be Irish ergo, in general, that's what I'd know must about (ie no choice but to know) and it's what most other Irish people can relate to.

Personally I don't get people telling me they are Catholics but they use contraception (nobody has more than 2 or 3 kids any more and there's no way I'm believing that's down to the Church's method of contraception) they don't go to Church (Sunday attendance is mostly the elderly now) they do the big services (communion and confirmation - and some of the carry on there has to be seen to be believed), they want to get married in a Church even though they don't attend, (ever in some cases) they don't go to confession, they don't believe priests should be celibate, thousands have had abortions, most right thinking people think condoms are a good thing in say Africa (both to prevent Aids and as a contraception). And that's without all the belief stuff (transubstantiation and rising from the dead etc).....

I'd sincerly like to understand why people say they are Catholics when so many of them, those I know wouldn't go along with 90% of what I've just listed.

BTW I didn't bring religion into the discussion on threesomes. The athesist did. And I'm sure that no matter what I threw at him about his atheism he wouldn't mind a bit. Why do Catholics mind if we discuss them. It's kind of hard not to when one is Irish.

Why is it every discussion on sex leads to a discussion on Catholicism, I don't know, but it must be something to do with our upbringing. Even John Waters is at it today, he's hankering for old Ireland, pre female emancipation (a dirty word to him it looks like) and linked that to the Spun Out teenage awareness website. Bring back the 1960's anyone?
Why do Catholics mind if we discuss them. It's kind of hard not to when one is Irish.

I suppose because it doesnt seem especially relevant to the topic (&ok you didnt introduce it), and that maybe its just being used to have another casual dig at the catholic church or its non-committal followers.

I've no great interest in how muslims observe their religion or how the Manchester muslims compare to the Birmingham muslims compare to the Islamabad muslims - that's their own business, I've no right to deconstruct their beliefs or speculate on how devout they are or whether they are all codding themselves etc etc etc

Yet its always a good time to lash the Irish catholics over their church in Rome, their Irish church adminstration, and the hopelessness of their ...errr.."faithful". Let people observe their religion in private, I'm not very religious but I know plenty who are and it's a tad annoying to feel the need to mount a defence on their behalf.
One thing for sure from all you a la carte Catholics on this thread, seems to me it means anything goes. Great club that. Who wouldn't want to be a member of such an easy going religion.

Makes me wonder what does it actually mean to be a 'proper' member of that religion. Anyone care to enlighten me. Of course technically I'm a member too as I haven't been excommunicationed and my sins are many, including no doubt both cardinal and mortal sins (the best kind of sins those I think).

I'm actually quite staggered by these comments. Please tell me they were made in jest.