a td can use phone while driving- disgusting


Registered User
The luke ming ... debacle shows how bad our TD's really are. But why am I not surprised. Its interesting to note we copy some parts of our legislation from the UK but when it comes to politics we were able to make up our own rules.

I bet that Chris Hune is a bit miffed he was not an Irish member of parliament.

And we wonder why we are in a mess.

What would be the outcome if a TD while on the phone driving knocked someone down... oops they would be let off scot free.. they were on way to dail so that's allowed.
Heard Mick Wallace on Morning Ireland saying Ming should have taken the points!

Filing false VAT returns is illegal Mick, their attitude is unbelievable! As if Mick is in any position to be giving lectures.
I thought TDs could get hands-free kits installed and claim back the expense ? Maybe Deputy Flanagan (people of Roscommon, thank you :rolleyes:) drives a turf powered car which is incompatible :D ?
Ireland really has an abysmally low standard of politician.

The rag bag of independents, who never seem to be out of the press for the wrong reasons, the Shinners with their new-found interest in democracy, and even the minority partner in government, Labour, being bank rolled by SIPTU.

Small wonder that FF are starting to look like making a come back already.
allowing use of a mobile phone while driving, you could not make it up.
Who needs Berlusconi when we have Ming, Wallace & Clare Daly - all representing the people whilst all trying to pull a fast one on the taxpayer. "Do as I say...."

In fairness to Richard Boyd-Whatever in the People Before Logic party...he seems to be the clean one so far.
Revelations about Mr Flanagan provoked an angry response including from PR guru Terry Prone who described him as a "nasty, lying, manipulative, law-breaking creepy politician".

Terry Prone almost captured the essence of the man,she left out one word though that completely sums him up...

Maybe Deputy Flanagan (people of Roscommon, thank you :rolleyes:)

To be fair to the people of Roscommon, there are other constituencies, including my own, that have continually voted for the same shysters each time - Lowry, P.Flynn + BC Flynn, Bertie, McDaid, Wallace, Haughey, Burke......etc.

With the upcoming election in Meath East it won't surprise me to see Helen McEntee voted in on the back of a sympathy vote. Twenty six, no experience bar "working for her father". Both Kenny and Cowen stepped in to political life in similiar fashion, more political dynasties is not what is needed.
I agree. We get the politicans we deserve. I watched Vincent Browne last night, for about 5 minutes, with some of the candidates in Meath East. He asked each of them to say why they should be elected to the Dail. After 5 minutes of cookie cutter answers and being harangued by VB, I turned it off.
Yes, Ming's novelty value has certainly worn off. He'd probably claim the D4 media are out to get him, but in any man's language he hasnt been impressive and this fiasco and the 'how thick does he think we are' cover up is the worst yet.
im sure he is not the first TD that used his position to get points taken off his licence!
No. But the new modus operandi is attack mode. It's not my fault. I am the innocent party.

I'm certain that he is the first to name others (without naming names) who are to blame for his illegal activities.

This is not a nice trait in anybody.

i agree its not a very nice trait by any means, but im just saying there are probably more than him have done the same...
Terry Prone's description ("nasty, lying, manipulative, law-breaking, creepy") reads more like a job description for politicians generally than an indictment of any particular individual. There are very few candidates in my electoral area that I could ever again give a vote to, even those from parties I've voted for in the past.

There's no question but that Ming has shown himself for the naïve, self-serving gobshíte he is, but I reckon there are plenty more crooked than him, and whose crookery has been of far greater consequence than this penalty points nonsense. He and Mick Wallace have done both FF and FG an enormous PR favour. Hopefully they'll be "looked after"...
I have a picture in my head of a bunch of TD's sitting around asking what the Gardai have ever done for them, a la The Life of Brian; "There's the penalty points" , "Well yes, obviously there's the penalty points! But other than the penalty points, the streets are safe to walk at night, the nod and wink, the fact that we can claim to be on our way to the Dail to avoid arrest (etc)... what have the Gardai ever done for us?"
...and Michael Lowry's taped telephone conversation with a Land Agent broadcast on Tonight with Vincent Browne - listen to it here.

Who is voting for these people? Are they all corrupt?
sadly most are!........but we only get to hear about those that are stupid enough to get caught. the clever ones know how to cover their tracks.
Like every other public scam in Ireland involving corrupt politicians, corrupt bankers, corrupt builders the lot will be swept under the carpet and we will all forget the situation within four days.
With the upcoming election in Meath East it won't surprise me to see Helen McEntee voted in on the back of a sympathy vote. Twenty six, no experience bar "working for her father"

Just going back to this; I read a piece by newly elected TD Helen McEntee in the Independent. She refers to people regarding her position as nepotism -

It's funny in a way; my uncle Gerry is a doctor, and his son has chosen to also go into the medical profession. We're all very proud of him, and I'm pretty sure no one has criticised him for following in his dad's footsteps.

Does she not realise that there is a vast difference between a doctor's son having to go through the necessary/mandatory training to become a doctor? She was put forward to secure the loyalty vote of her father and still hasn't the gumption to realise this?