Broadcasting Charge


Registered User
Looks like those people who don't have tv's are going to be hit with this charge, which is to replace the tv licence. Everyone will have to pay, regardless of whether they own a tv set or not.
The Minister was talking about this some months back. I assume that if you already pay for a TV licence, then you're no worse off ?
it's essentially another branch of the property tax in that every household will have to pay it, tv or not
Will we have to prove that we don't own a laptop with the threat of €xxx fine, plus penalty interest, plus a flogging if we don't own up? I can see Big Phil and the boys salivating on this one.
Will we have to prove that we don't own a laptop with the threat of €xxx fine, plus penalty interest, plus a flogging if we don't own up? I can see Big Phil and the boys salivating on this one.

I doubt it will be based on the devices you have, or the internet access you have. It'll likely be levied on everyone.
Would it not be better if RTE was sold on the open market, the license fee was done away with and let whoever wants to provide a service of interest that's econimical do so?
I doubt it will be based on the devices you have, or the internet access you have. It'll likely be levied on everyone.

It looks likely that it will be charged to every house in the country, from what I've read so far anyway, so you'd be correct.
Would it not be better if RTE was sold on the open market, the license fee was done away with and let whoever wants to provide a service of interest that's econimical do so?
IMHO definitely not. Admittedly I'm basing this on the only data I have to hand but just compare RTE to TV3, or BBC to ITV, which do you find offer the superior offering, the public state broadcaster or the private commercial enterprise? I think both RTE and BBC are streets ahead and would hate to see the day when we have no choice but to watch the drivel that market forces decide that we should watch.
I do find it strange that the TV license for RTE always causes issue with people yet the vast majority of people (81% as of last August according to here) are happy to hand over upwards of €250 a year to watch mainly the same channels that they can already view for free via Saorview and Free to Air satellite (apart from sport and movies fans). In my view €160 a year for RTE 1, 2, TG4 (yes I do watch it and enjoy it!), and all the RTE radio channels is good value and I'm happy to pay it.
I do find it strange that the TV license for RTE always causes issue with people yet the vast majority of people (81% as of last August according to here) are happy to hand over upwards of €250 a year to watch mainly the same channels that they can already view for free via Saorview and Free to Air satellite (apart from sport and movies fans). In my view €160 a year for RTE 1, 2, TG4 (yes I do watch it and enjoy it!), and all the RTE radio channels is good value and I'm happy to pay it.
There are two arguments:
1. It's compulsory - In which case you may as well just accept it is a household levy
2. It's poor value for money - In which case I agree fully with Ceist Beag
This is looking like another blunt instrument, imposing another charge on those who have a "Free TV Licence" ie. those on Disability Allowance, Invalidity Pension as well as State Pensioners.
IMHO definitely not. Admittedly I'm basing this on the only data I have to hand but just compare RTE to TV3, or BBC to ITV, which do you find offer the superior offering, the public state broadcaster or the private commercial enterprise? I think both RTE and BBC are streets ahead and would hate to see the day when we have no choice but to watch the drivel that market forces decide that we should watch.

How can TV3 possibly compete when RTE gets the lions share of the TV licence AND is back stopped by the taxpayer to pay the wages? RTE as a result has a much larger budget than TV3 and can therefore show better programs which are paid for by the taxpayer twice. Not even close to a level playing field.

In my view €160 a year for RTE 1, 2, TG4 (yes I do watch it and enjoy it!), and all the RTE radio channels is good value and I'm happy to pay it.

I happen to love Lyric FM and am also happy to pay for the service - I think for the size of our country it's not a bad offering at all. But why should somebody who doesn't use or want the service subsidise my enjoyment?
There are two arguments:
2. It's poor value for money - In which case I agree fully with Ceist Beag

Hi DerKaiser,

I think there is a common misconception here in that people seem to think that RTE is worth the licence fee as if the licence fee is the full & final cost to the taxpayer in funding RTE. How much extra taxpayers money flows from the central coffers to fund RTE? If this funding stopped then I think the 160e would be fantastic value altogether.
How can TV3 possibly compete when RTE gets the lions share of the TV licence AND is back stopped by the taxpayer to pay the wages? RTE as a result has a much larger budget than TV3 and can therefore show better programs which are paid for by the taxpayer twice. Not even close to a level playing field.
I wasn't saying it was a level playing field Firefly - I was pointing out that when you take away the license fee you're left with a budget equivalent to TV3 and I certainly don't think this is where I would like RTE to go.
Basically this argument for me comes down to, should the public subsidize the state broadcaster or not. I think the vast majority would vote to continue to subsidize it. Not all taxes paid by taxpayers is for the benefit of everyone. This is no different imho.
i wasn't saying it was a level playing field firefly - i was pointing out that when you take away the license fee you're left with a budget equivalent to tv3 and i certainly don't think this is where i would like rte to go.
Basically this argument for me comes down to, should the public subsidize the state broadcaster or not. I think the vast majority would vote to continue to subsidize it. Not all taxes paid by taxpayers is for the benefit of everyone. This is no different imho.

..I think the vast majority would vote to continue to subsidize it.

I think the majority would vote for RTE standards to be maintained (e.g. paying for broadcasting rights for inetrnational sport), without having to pay for it. This is Ireland, we want 'stuff', just not willing to pay for it.
I wasn't saying it was a level playing field Firefly - I was pointing out that when you take away the license fee you're left with a budget equivalent to TV3 and I certainly don't think this is where I would like RTE to go.

But that's not true - the taxpayer picks up the tab for RTE's costs that advertising and the licence doesn't cover! Therefore, it is a misrepresentation to say that the cost to the taxpayer to fund RTE is the amount raised in by the licence fee. If we knew the real cost then we could evaluate if it's good value or not...