The Trip to Snip - destination reached

Betsy Og

Registered User
Ah sure twas not a bother, like a trip to the dentist. Now 2 1/2 days on but more or less grand since this morning. With further little Betsy's having been ruled off the agenda a couple of years back its not such a big deal.

So you see, while there are downsides to anonymity there are a few upsides too - I don't think I'd be "sharing" if my real name was on here! So on the off chance I ever make it to a meet up you can tut sympathetically:D.
Well done. Thinking of joining you on that trip. Although have heard recently of a couple of cases of people who took the trip but have still had little Betsy's !
Well done. Thinking of joining you on that trip. Although have heard recently of a couple of cases of people who took the trip but have still had little Betsy's !

hmm, assuming all was done well, waiting periods were observed and samples were tested it should be nothing short of medical miracle to still have little Betsy's, but God works in mysterious ways !!

(Or maybe there's an over zelous postal service ;-) ................)
Eh surely this falls under "No medical discussions"?! :rolleyes:

If not, "Too much information" definitely comes to mind anyway.....
Not a medical discussion as such, more of a family one. For example debate rages here about abortion which is far more medical related (esp. the detail about the Halapannavar case).

As for too much info, sure there's hardly any, no-one is trying to gross you out, and as I said no-one knows me so there's no need to feel any embarassment.

Is an issue relevant to men unworthy of discussion?, everyone says men should talk about things but then does anyone want to listen..........
No holding you back now....I'm expecting lots of "C'mon Betsy!!" from the missus ;) :D :cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool:
Not a medical discussion as such, more of a family one. For example debate rages here about abortion which is far more medical related (esp. the detail about the Halapannavar case).

As for too much info, sure there's hardly any, no-one is trying to gross you out, and as I said no-one knows me so there's no need to feel any embarassment.

Is an issue relevant to men unworthy of discussion?, everyone says men should talk about things but then does anyone want to listen..........

Discussions relevant to men tend to be less discussed because most of us men don't get emotionally involved no matter what and discussions such as this are outside of our comfort zone. We tend to concentrate on Mr Gradgrind's Facts, facts and nothing but facts. On the other hand many women get emotionally attatched to some problem and no matter what tend to and want to cry through the whole situation whether we like it or not (Am I being sexist here? - Forgive me if I am).

We (men) are on the side of the job is done, that's it, forget about it, it's all over. Women share their experiences far more than we do.

I dont know if I am right or wrong. But, good you Betsy Óg.
No needle, scalpel, clips, stitches? open ended method?

Given the whole "no medical discussions" rule I wont go into it in any detail but pm me, or I'll pm you with details.

But as a general point, like at the dentist there is a jab, its painful but its only for a few seconds, and no bother after that.