Ryanair Baggage Fees


Registered User
Yet another of these Ryanair stories in media this morning. The person involved appears to be 33% over the limit. Why all the sympathic outpourings? unless limits were observed it would be just a free for all. I have no connection whatsoever with Ryanair!
Because Ryanair are an easy target. And if they got someone from Ryanair on air, they'd be unrepentant or rude, which makes it easy for media researchers and production staff.

It is said that professional athletes never fail drugs tests, they fail intelligence tests.

Similarly, at this stage, anyone who falls foul of Ryanair's terms and conditions is getting hit with a levy for not paying attention.
If only Ryanair passengers would read and abide by the T&C's they would make travelling a much more pleasant experience for themselves and others around them.

I don't have a lot of sympathy for people who arrive with oversized bags and moan at the gate (delaying other passengers) when they are charged extra
It was always previously the case that when I would get on to a Ryanair flight, there was no space in the overhead locker for luggage. Now there is plenty because everyone who attempts to take on a massive bag is rightly stopped.
Aer Lingus seem to be doing okay with little or none of this sort of nonsense. I now only use Ryanair as a last resort.
I do not use Ryanair because 15kg limit is no good for a holiday, if I take 20kg like most other airlines it would cost me on Ryanair €20 per kg over 15 kg = €100 per person per single trip exccess for 20 kg.
I do not use Ryanair because 15kg limit is no good for a holiday, if I take 20kg like most other airlines it would cost me on Ryanair €20 per kg over 15 kg = €100 per person per single trip exccess for 20 kg.
Not true — for the first checked bag, they now allow you to choose between 15kg and 20kg (rates vary according to season; details half-way down this page). Maximum of two bags/35kg per passenger.

No upgrading from 15kg to 20kg, no transferability between passengers, and the charge for the "idiots" (MOL's word) that don't pre-book everything online now rises to as much as €140 for a single 20kg bag in high season.

I'll still use them, if the saving is worthwhile, but I'll be hyper-vigilant at every step of the process and expect no quarter if something goes wrong. It all adds to the frisson of air travel. ;)
imagine if someone like oleary ever got control of air lingus! how scary would that be?..
imagine if someone like oleary ever got control of air lingus! how scary would that be?..

I remember the pre-Ryanair days - when Aer Fungus would happily charge you £200 for an economy seat to London. The whole place was run by the unions for the benefit of the staff.

Although I only travel on Ryanair as a last resort, they have really made Aer Lingus up their game in terms of offering the Irish travelling public a low cost alternative on routes out of the country.
Not true — for the first checked bag, they now allow you to choose between 15kg and 20kg (rates vary according to season; details half-way down this page). Maximum of two bags/35kg per passenger

Sorry I am behind the times, but what does "2% of transaction total mean"?
Passengers paying for their flights with a credit card will incur a fee of 2% of the total transaction value.
I take this to mean that if you ending up paying, say, €100 at the desk for a bag you hadn't checked in online, they'll charge you an extra €2 for paying it by credit card. I kinda wonder about the legality of that, given that, if memory serves, they didn't accept any other form of payment at any Ryanair desk I've ever had to make payment at — fortunately, that hasn't happened to me in a long time!