Brussels sprouts - how to make them nice.


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Apart from boiling in bacon water what can be done so kids will eat them. I've tried a stock cube too. And me and Mr. Bronte like Brussels sprouts for xmas dinner.
I think the mere fact that you have to make them nice speaks volumes. I've par boiled, then fired in garlic butter with pancetta or just thinly sliced and fried them in the same.

However, bacon and garlic is the general mask for everything and so I skipped the sprouts and just fried bacon in garlic butter on its own.
Brussels Sprouts - Yeugh

Would ya not leave the kids off the veg for one day
However, bacon and garlic is the general mask for everything and so I skipped the sprouts and just fried bacon in garlic butter on its own.

Very similar to my BLT without the lettuce or tomato
What works in our house is for them to be cooked so that they retain some texture, not a soggy mess. Served with some bits of rasher or pancetta, they don't last long on the Christmas table.

Complaining about sprouts has become a tired cliché. Because it ís a vegetable that usually only gets cooked at Christmas, it can turn out badly. It doesnt have to be that way ;) !
Remember,if you want sprouts just like you had them as a kid,put them on to boil this morning.
Apart from boiling in bacon water what can be done so kids will eat them. I've tried a stock cube too. And me and Mr. Bronte like Brussels sprouts for xmas dinner.

Dip them in chocolate...

But seriously... Ill never make my kids eat sprouts... Plently of other better tasting veg that contain all the essencial vitamins and minerals to be eaten..
It Christmas... dont torture the kids. Do it on Good Friday instead!!
However, bacon and garlic is the general mask for everything and so I skipped the sprouts and just fried bacon in garlic butter on its own.

Never tried garlic as a veg before, wonder would that go down well? I don't think that would go down with traditional Mr. Bronte with his meat and two veg Irish mentality.
Brussels Sprouts - Yeugh

Would ya not leave the kids off the veg for one day

One or two sprouts won't kill them. One of them yesterday asked me had we more brocolli or tomates and completely confused me for a moment. They have learnt to negotiate and it was instead of the turnip. Still had to eat 4 bites of turnip though.

I'm going all out with a Chicken for xmas dinner, and stuffing (kids don't like that either but we've all voted for Chicken and have eaten no roast chicken for 4 weeks in anticipation). Normally I have roast carrots and cauliflower (with melted cheese - no cheese for one of them) with that but Mr. Bronte and me want sprouts. And bisto of course.

And they're be no bacon/gammon as it's nigh on impossible to get it here. So I've nothing to make sprouts nice for the kids, see I am thinking of them.
I love Brussels sprouts. Boil; drain; then stir fry with garlic, ginger and chili. Drizzle with sesame oil and serve. You could also add some soya sauce.
I love Brussels sprouts. Boil; drain; then stir fry with garlic, ginger and chili. Drizzle with sesame oil and serve. You could also add some soya sauce.

which goes back to my point, it's probably the garlic, ginger, chili and oil you like rather than the sprouts.
I love Brussels sprouts. Boil; drain; then stir fry with garlic, ginger and chili. Drizzle with sesame oil and serve. You could also add some soya sauce.

I have to say this sounds quite disguisting. I'm going with Firefly's suggestion.

I like Brussels sprouts, but then I cannot think of any veg I don't like. My current favourite is celeriac. It's a good thing I like veg because I'm desparate in relation to fruit. Only thing I'm good on there is fresh orange juice every day.

Should have added above for clarity and in case ye all think I'm dreadful insisting they eat some veg, we've all voted for Chicken and have eaten no Roast Chicken for 5 weeks in anticipation. Mr.Bronte nearly gave up on week 2 when I suggested Duck.

We also voted on the starter. And no we won't be having Duck ever again as while it's really nice there is no meat and you'd need at least 2 to feed a family. I'll stick with Duck breast which everybody loves.
Butter and black pepper is nice on them. A bit of chilli and garlic is nice too but probaly not for xmas dinner.
And they're be no bacon/gammon as it's nigh on impossible to get it here. So I've nothing to make sprouts nice for the kids, see I am thinking of them.

You should be able to get pancetta/lardons in the supermarket - personally I cut up unsmoked, streaky rashers and use these. I find it best to fry the bacon on a high heat on the wok to get them nice and crispy....also, don't crowd the wok/frying pan as they'll only them in small batches.

You can't beat a good chicken in fairness. I smear goose fat on it first and cook it breast side down for the first hour before turning for the rest of the time. Stick a few peeled, uncut carrots in there too and they'll be fab as they'll cook and soak up some of the chicken juice....getting hungry now!!!
Was lucky enough to find purple sprouts last year in Tesco - they were much sweeter than their green cousins and were cooked in butter, smoked bacon strips and a little Aromat (spice mix made by Knorr). They're also more attractive on the plate than the green ones, IMHO.

Haven't been able to find them this year, asked in my local Tesco and they didn't realise that they had even had them last year!

Am doing coloured carrots, yellow, white, black and orange, this year along with red cabbage cooked in red wine, balsamic vinegar with grated apple, a bay leaf and finished off with honey and seasoning.
To a large pot of boiling salted water add the Brussels sprouts and cook for 10 minutes, remove with a slotted spoon and drop into a bowl filled with ice and water, after 5 minutes strain and set aside.

In a large saute pan over a medium flame heat some olive oil (very little). When it begins to smoke, add some chopped chorizo, and cook until it becomes crispy and has rendered some fat. Add some onion and garlic (optional) and cook until the onion is translucent, increase the flame to high. Add the sprouts and cook for an additional 3 minutes.

Add a cup of chicken/turkey stock and cook for 5 minutes, or until the liquid has reduced to approximately 1/4 cup, add a large knob of butter and cook for 3 more minutes, season with salt and pepper and serve in a large bowl.
Adding all that fat, salt etc. just cancels out any goodness in the sprouts so why bother? I love sprouts and love when they first appear in the shops in autumn. Small ones are the best but the larger ones are fine too if lightly steamed (after cutting a cross in the bottom) until there's just a bit of softness.
Bronte wants to know how to make them nice.

Cream bacon Parmesan lemon, breadcrumbs, almonds would I think be one way to achieve this.

This would definitely be a treat dish.
