RTE Player


Registered User
I tried to watch Love/Hate while I was in Dublin last weekend, and now again while I am in Holland. However, the webiste states that the content is not currently available in my region. I don't know what that means! I can understand it not being available while I am in Holland but why was it not available while I was in Dublin? Can anybody please advise?
Did you use the same laptop/netbook in Ireland that you use in Holland? Cookies stored on your machine may have confused the player into thinking you were still in Holland while you were here.
Did you use the same laptop/netbook in Ireland that you use in Holland? Cookies stored on your machine may have confused the player into thinking you were still in Holland while you were here.

Yes, I have used the same laptop in both places, but triedit in Dublin first and then Holland. I'm really glued to the new series of Love / Hate and must try to see it somehow before next Sunday night. I'll be back in Dublin this Saturday.