Faber's predictions for the medium term


Registered User
I regularly read the blogs of many economic commentators, one of whom is Mark Faber. His latest video post sums up his opinion of where things are going in the world in the next 6 or 7 years:


Now I realise his view tends to be more pesimistic than others, but if I were to be put on the spot, I would have to concede that he points out the most likely way things are going to turn out in the medium term.

He sees the rise of China and the continuing decling of the US.
He sees the splitting up of the Eurozone in 3-5 years.
He sees massive inflation and continued money printing.
He sees continuing decline in the living standards of the middle classes.

What do you think of his predictions?
The rise of China seems obvious. Eurozone survival is dependent on the emergence of a federal Europe. For sure money printing will continue and that will give rise to inflation, time will tell whether that is massive or not; one would expect to see an inflation related decline in middle class living standards. If you like predictions from economic commentators then you might like http://www.amazon.co.uk/Megachange-The-world-2050-Economist/dp/1846685850/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1354193171&sr=8-1 (Megachange 2050) (not to be judged by the cover); each chapter is written by a different author associated with The Economist magazine.
If you like predictions from economic commentators then you might like http://www.amazon.co.uk/Megachange-The-world-2050-Economist/dp/1846685850/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1354193171&sr=8-1 (Megachange 2050) (not to be judged by the cover); each chapter is written by a different author associated with The Economist magazine.

Cheers, michaelm. I'll check it out.
I like Faber and his style if commenting using very logic thought patterns. Only thing I disagree with him on is that it will all lead to WWIII.