Having a gay day with your hoe


Registered User
This article, which is funny in its own right in some ways (and kinda depressing in others) is completely overshadowed by the hilariously comical comment after it by someone who points out:
God be with the days when having a gay day with a hoe meant a good day’s farming…

On a side note, I actually cannot understand some of the tweets, are they in english at all?
On a side note, I actually cannot understand some of the tweets, are they in English at all
Its like trying to understand some of the dialogue in the otherwise excellent television crime series The Wire,its really another language albeit one belonging to a tribe of half witted misogynistic illiterate donkeys who wear baseball caps sideways,their jeans around their knees and their trainers without laces.
Its like trying to understand some of the dialogue in the otherwise excellent television crime series The Wire,its really another language albeit one belonging to a tribe of half witted misogynistic literate donkeys who wear baseball caps sideways,their jeans around their knees and their trainers without laces.

I watched some of a (terrible) film recently called Attack The Block and I couldnt understand what was going on there either. It was set in London and was full of a lot of "Yo, bruv, innit, respect, real". Lord knows what was going on, it was terrible for other reasons as well.
I have a nephew who thinks he is a 'gangsta' and he talks like this. I can only understand about 10% of what he says. I hope to God my children don't suddenly start this craic in their teenage years.

Rihanna and Chris Browne, nice example for our children?
I watched some of a (terrible) film recently called Attack The Block and I couldnt understand what was going on there either. It was set in London and was full of a lot of "Yo, bruv, innit, respect, real". Lord knows what was going on, it was terrible for other reasons as well.

Jeez, do we agree on anything! I thought it was good, for what it was.
I couldnt understand what was going on there either. It was set in London and was full of a lot of "Yo, bruv, innit, respect, real".

I really wish they would put up subtitles in English in scenes that feature these "gangsta" types,I am not from da ghetto so I have zero idea what day be talking bout,word up innit etc.

Perhaps someone could put up some words with translation?

What does innit me? or put a capon that mofur? or You gotsda phat chromes anda phat hydros?.
I have a nephew who thinks he is a 'gangsta' and he talks like this. I can only understand about 10% of what he says. I hope to God my children don't suddenly start this craic in their teenage years.

Rihanna and Chris Browne, nice example for our children?

I hope my children don't end up in crack either ;)
So you missed the antiheros redemption, and you used innit in the wrong context! (I think)