The "Nudge" theory


Registered User
Listened on radio early this morning to discussion on the "nudge theory or method to achieve seems UK Government has employed the method..Has it been used by any one in Ireland like the Government re the Household charge.
Am relieved that many posters, like myself, are not familiar with this theory though David Cameron is reputed a great fan...if you google "nudge theory" it explains all. Really it is just a gentle nudge rather than a curt demand that may achieve better results.
I would have used "softly, softly catchy monkey" myself, but I avoid cliches like the plague.
Re taxes etc, I always thought "the thin end of the wedge" summed it up perfectly.

Having taken the trouble to look at Wikipedia, I see it says "positive reinforcement and/or suggestion" works as well as direct action like legislation.

So I think what its getting at is maybe, for example, having happy heart trails, encouraging the explosion in jogging/running, having shows like Operation Transformation might do more good than, say, a fat tax.

The behavioural effect of taxes - e.g. plastic bag levy - is probably being outweighed as a motive by the need for cash. So if we had a fat tax they'd probably want us to all be porkers and collect loads of cash, as opposed to guiding us away from unhealthy food.