Haughey's Virus

Homeowner-as for your post horrifying me,it's because you posted what I thought was an intelligent post,yet added that you will still vote FF.As for my comparing Bush to Ahern/FF,if you see I wasn't comparing their effect on the world,I was comparing VOTING for Bush to VOTING for Ahern/FF.That is the kind of mentality it is to vote for a politician despite the obvious evidence before one's eyes.I can guarantee you that while Ahern/FF obviously hasn't committed the crimes that Bush has,I can guarantee you that if he had ,you would still get the same core vote voting for FF,yes the floating voters would move elsewhere,but FF would still be tilting for power as evidenced by the fact that Haughey remained in power for so long(even though at the time the dogs in the street didn't know it,it was still relatively well known that he was massively corrupt & HAD A FLAWED PEDIGREE).
Some people will never take their head out of the sand!
Homeowner-as for your post horrifying me,it's because you posted what I thought was an intelligent post,yet added that you will still vote FF.As for my comparing Bush to Ahern/FF,if you see I wasn't comparing their effect on the world,I was comparing VOTING for Bush to VOTING for Ahern/FF.That is the kind of mentality it is to vote for a politician despite the obvious evidence before one's eyes.I can guarantee you that while Ahern/FF obviously hasn't committed the crimes that Bush has,I can guarantee you that if he had ,you would still get the same core vote voting for FF,yes the floating voters would move elsewhere,but FF would still be tilting for power as evidenced by the fact that Haughey remained in power for so long(even though at the time the dogs in the street didn't know it,it was still relatively well known that he was massively corrupt & HAD A FLAWED PEDIGREE).
Some people will never take their head out of the sand!

Can see where you are coming from but every party has its core vote that won't change allegiance whatever happens. The main challenge is to convince the floating voters that you mentioned to vote for you. In my opinion, the biggest problem in this country is the lack of credible alternative. Probably none between the parties anymore as left and right politics seem to have found a nice middle ground like in the UK with pacts etc and certainly in the case of leaders. I do not want Enda Kenny as leader of this country. So Bertie it is!
I do not want Enda Kenny as leader of this country. So Bertie it is!

out of pure interest here folks - Why do I come across so many comments like the above in relation to Enda Kenny?

Its interesting in that the man seems to be damned before people hear what he has to say. I bring this up after watching that programme on RTE recently with that US political pollster who was interviewing swing /floating voters about their views on politics. All dismissed Kenny with the usual auld stuff about no personality etc etc ,yet when he showed them a clip of Kenny speaking the votemeters they had in their hands went up and up the more he had to say. It was the opposite with me auld mate Bertie - the more they heard him speak the more the meters graph went down and down - by the time he was crying over his kids with Brian Dobson - it basically flatlined at zero - it would have gone negative if the technology had allowed it.

It posed , in my mind, a very fundamental question about the Irish electorate: We have

A) 1 guy who comes across as a bit stiff and reserved is dismissed without a thought, yet when he articulated his policies and vision was very well received.

B) 1 guy who is your and your granny's best friend , a great man for a pint, will do anything to get in the papers- opening anything from public toilet to an off-licence within a 1000 mile radius of Drumcondra. would have to look up the word "articulate" in the dictionary let alone pronounce it.

This has brought up yet again my deep suspicion about there something genetic in us native Irish that brings out our addiction for gob****es ,plamasers and other associated rogues and chancers . We only seen to vote for other lot when , like most men and their attitude to going to see doctors (myself included) , when the pain is so bad We have no other choice. So bring on immigration see if this disorder can got rid off with fresh Genes in the pool!

I really dont know anymore folks - is our political system about ideas any more ?, about electing people with good ideas vision and the energy and drive to move beyond the Vested Interests Armadas who are strangling democracy in this country? - or going on the comments of some posters here its just a nationalised "You're a Political Spa Contest" - Ah Sure isn't he lovely!!!!

PS - I do not have any political affiliations whatsoever - maybe I and more of my generation should decide to acquire a few before the people who are running the country are the same folks from college that you wouldn't have been caught dead in the same Time Zone as.
out of pure interest here folks - Why do I come across so many comments like the above in relation to Enda Kenny?

This amazes me as well. I support neither Kenny nor his party, but I am consistently both amused and depressed by the numbers of people who seem to dismiss him out of hand. For what its worth, I don't see Enda Kenny as as a messiah but as far as I can see he is just as competent, smart and capable then the likes of Dermot Ahern, Mary Hanafin or Brian Cowen, and a good deal better in all respects than some others of that ilk, notably Micheal Martin.

Interestingly, in the years before John Bruton became Taoiseach, he was also dismissed as someone who was incapable of being a good Taoiseach, but when he became Taoiseach he was widely acknowledged to be a very good leader of the country.
out of pure interest here folks - Why do I come across so many comments like the above in relation to Enda Kenny?

Its interesting in that the man seems to be damned before people hear what he has to say. .

I have no political leanings either and I am certainly not condemning Enda Kenny without listening to what he says. He didn't just appear yesterday. He has been around while now and has plenty of opportunity to put accross an effective alternative idea of government to the current one. In my opinion, he has failed to do that. I think that the fact that Fianna Fail is still showing strongly in the polls despite their various problems is more a sign of a weak opposition than a particulary strong government getting its act together.
not a Fianna Failer but I think the electorate isnt being given the alternative.

I'd be happier if FG on their own were the alternative but the thought of Pat Rabbitte running the country makes my blood run cold. He strikes me as a sideline whinger, I'd say if he was given the ball to do something with it he'd soil himself. Between himself and Joan "the moan" Burton I'd say they'd drive enterprise from these shores.

With FF at least they are predictable, I'd trust Enda to do the right thing before Berties and Richard Bruton is a decent skin but where do you go after that? I'd have no complaints with Biffo who, as far as I can see, is FF's star.

FF must be laughing all the way to the polls since the PD's obliged and took the 2 main monkeys off their back Health & Justice.

Theres a million things could be done better & money wastage appalls me, but will a raggle taggle FG & Labour do the biz ..... dunno. Since all politics is local I'll be voting FG but I'm caught in a dilemma since I dont want to see Labour about the place.
With all due respect to the Opposition, they have to be cagey w.r.t. the upcoming election. If they showed their hand the Govt could steal any idea they wanted and leave the Opposition toothless.

There is a wealth of ammunition for the Opposition to use come election time. There's no point using it now and giving FF/PD a heads up on their strategy.

I'd trust Enda Kenny a thousand times before Bertie Ahern.
Betsy Og,I'm afraid my sister has the same feeling,will vote FF so to avoid Lab in government.However only last week Rabitte hinted he could dod business with FF.The reality is that he did his sums & found that the quasi rainbow wouldn't have the nos,so he'll probably do a cosy deal with FF in May(or Easter) & then I will have to laugh at those who voted FF thinking that they would keep Lab out of power that way.
As for not voting FG,because people wouldn't think that Mr Kenny is fit for a leader,are you trying to tell me that Bertie is impressive(who are people kidding-with his butchery of the English language-goverment anyone!!)
Add in the cost of the delays he caused to the tribunal with his shameless delaying tactics and that €45 million figure keeps getting bigger. Under no circumstances should his legal costs be paid. Every last penny should be recouped. The Haughey family are not going to go hungry, and I don’t want them to, but I see no reason why they should be able to live more comfortably than the average citizen if the source of that comfort is money gained through his corruption.
Sorry to resuscitate a six-year-old thread, but it's always interesting to examine one's predictions in hindsight...

[broken link removed] (Irish Times, 10 Oct. 2012)

A tenacious virus indeed.

As for the rest of us voting FF in, look at the alternative. My god if Inda K ever becomes taoiseach i think i'll leave the country.
You still here?
Sorry to resuscitate a six-year-old thread, but it's always interesting to examine one's predictions in hindsight...

[broken link removed] (Irish Times, 10 Oct. 2012)

A tenacious virus indeed.

You still here?

Slow day? :D
Meh. Nostalgia ain't what it used to be... ;)

I was actually searching for an old thread about computer viruses. Much easier to get rid of, and less harmful.
Some blast from the past posters on this thread.

Yes, I wonder where they've all gone?

Do you remember the days when, if you went away for five minutes after posting, you would come back to find loads of responses. Now the same old thread seems to stay at the top of the forum for days and days.
Yes, I wonder where they've all gone?

Do you remember the days when, if you went away for five minutes after posting, you would come back to find loads of responses. Now the same old thread seems to stay at the top of the forum for days and days.

The site must be gone out of fashion a bit.

Either that or theyve all moved off to some other site we dont know about!
Yes, I wonder where they've all gone?

Do you remember the days when, if you went away for five minutes after posting, you would come back to find loads of responses. Now the same old thread seems to stay at the top of the forum for days and days.

Well a quick perusal of this thread shows 5 of the contributors are now banned - AAM for whatever reason has quite a high attrition rate.

Some people's noses get quite out of joint over it!
I'm only here a couple of years so I don't know, but according to the boards thread AAM has lost participants to other less heavily moderated sites like Boards and the Property Pin.

Quality is better than Quantity though I reckon ;)
The site must be gone out of fashion a bit.

Either that or theyve all moved off to some other site we dont know about!

Oh dear. So we're not part of the cool crowd??
I have to admit I do tend to post more frequently now on a couple of other sites that seem more dynamic and fast moving. But I have fond memories of the AAM glory days.
Oh dear. So we're not part of the cool crowd??
I have to admit I do tend to post more frequently now on a couple of other sites that seem more dynamic and fast moving. But I have fond memories of the AAM glory days.

Very blasphemous!!
Oh dear. So we're not part of the cool crowd??
I have to admit I do tend to post more frequently now on a couple of other sites that seem more dynamic and fast moving. But I have fond memories of the AAM glory days.

You're part of the problem so, pal!