Plenty of Loans Out There Even with a Bad Credit Rating

AIB,the bank that likes to say Yes!!! .... to Key Business Influencers (KBIs)

If I recall my history one CJH owed that bank a serious amt of money during his wilderness years,on rising to power as Taoiseach they wiped the debt clean,citing his importance to the Bank as a KBI.

It never fails to amaze me despite all the scandals AIB has been involved in that so many people pay to be allowed bank with them.

I wouldn't allow them within 10 metres of my Sons piggy bank (€5.14c)
AIB,the bank that likes to say Yes!!! .... to Key Business Influencers (KBIs)

If I recall my history one CJH owed that bank a serious amt of money during his wilderness years,on rising to power as Taoiseach they wiped the debt clean,citing his importance to the Bank as a KBI.

It never fails to amaze me despite all the scandals AIB has been involved in that so many people pay to be allowed bank with them.

I wouldn't allow them within 10 metres of my Sons piggy bank (€5.14c)

Agreed, but as they are all the same, people have to bank with someone.
If I recall my history one CJH owed that bank a serious amt of money during his wilderness years,on rising to power as Taoiseach they wiped the debt clean,citing his importance to the Bank as a KBI.

Don't forget about Garrett the Good; he had his debt written off by AIB as well.