if our water is worth charging for why so much bottled water?


Registered User
I live in a location where the water is decidely unsafe ie not fit to drink so I buy bottled stuff but looking through tesco, dunnes, centa, mace, etc there are shelves and shelves of bottled water and it is not cheap so I am not alone.

So if we are now expected to pay for water can we insist it is on a par with bottled water, eg do a test on say evian and make that the standard then if tap water does not reach that standard we can refuse as it is not fit for purpose??

Water for human consumption must meet the standards as set out by the European Drinking Water Directive. In what way is your water not fit to drink?
Lol I've heard it all now. Tap water the same as evian!

I'd love to see your water charge bill then! 50l per day allowance x 75c/L x365 = €13500!!

I live in a location where the water is decidely unsafe ie not fit to drink so I buy bottled stuff but looking through tesco, dunnes, centa, mace, etc there are shelves and shelves of bottled water and it is not cheap so I am not alone.

So if we are now expected to pay for water can we insist it is on a par with bottled water, eg do a test on say evian and make that the standard then if tap water does not reach that standard we can refuse as it is not fit for purpose??

We pay for water at the moment through our taxes. This is just a tax increase. At least now we will pay for it directly. Clear visible specific taxes like this are a good thing as they focus the public on value for money and cost.
I’d love to see all of our taxes broken down like that; how much we pay each week/month for education, welfare, infrastructure etc. Then each time a new government programme is implemented we’d see a breakdown saying that an extra X euro has been taken from you this week/month for Y expenditure. People might then realise that the government doesn’t have any of its own money; it spends ours.

Should we insist that the water we use for washing the dishes, flushing the loo, showering, washing the car etc is of the same standard as bottled water? No, of course not. The fact is that in many areas it's better than bottled water. Maybe we should insist that it's not fit for drinking and that we are charged less.
purple, if we pay for water at the moment through our taxes will we pay less tax when water charges are implemented? think carefully before you answer
purple, if we pay for water at the moment through our taxes will we pay less tax when water charges are implemented? think carefully before you answer

No, that's why I said it's a tax increase. The difference is that this time we know what the tax increase is being spent on.