Would it be ethical to accept this money?


I received this email this morning:
Thanks & best regards,
Mr James Francis

My question is 'since this money has accumulated from decades of corruption, oppression and torture of the Libyan people, would it be ethical for me to take my 30%?'

Lest there be any doubt this email is an Advance-fee 419 fraud. There are some very entertaining sites www.scamorama.com dedicated to baiting these scammers but best advice is not to engage them at any level. These scams are organised by serious often violent criminals.
Actually, I've known Mr Francis for a number of years; he spoke at a conference I attended back in 2003 and I can assure you that he is a most reliable and trustworthy gentleman.
Considering his great 'suspishus' spelling, he probably as part of his overall money making plan, sent the original e-mail to Slim :)

Et tu Brutus...

AAM are certainly a cynical lot ( they probably don't believe in the lotto either and just rely on statistics... whereas for myself, if you're not in, you can't win).*

*for god's sake, yes I am messing, trust Ajapale to make me feel all guilty...
Shucks, there's Slim and Purple gettin' all that dosh and not one of us invited for a drink, shame on ye lads ;)

Don't be like that!
I have to pop over to Nigeria to collect my winnings so I'll organise a night out when I get back.
Don't be like that!
I have to pop over to Nigeria to collect my winnings so I'll organise a night out when I get back.
Forget your nite out when you get back, have your nite out over in Nigeria, you won't need too much money...and then collect your winnings the following day. :)