Bank phone me and wont say why


Registered User
Hi all,I got a call from a mortgage provider today,(one I had an account with)I am now with another lender.

The call was I can only describe as snooty..It went like this;
Hello is this thedaras,I say yes,caller says can I have your date of birth to confirm who you are!! I say ,you will need to tell me what this call is about before I give that information,as I have no accounts with XXX Bank.She says I cant give you any information about the call for security reasons.And then says hang on a sec,comes back and says the call was made by mistake,I say I hope it has nothing to do with an account I had in the past that was fully paid up,as it could affect my credit rating,,she says she wont discuss it with me for security reasons!!

I ask her name ,and I have the number she called on,on my phone.
It was unsettling to say the least,more so that I have a feeling the bank have made a mistake,and it was probably their debt collection agency who called me!she was extremely snooty,I am not a happy bunny!
I have no problem posting which bank it was with,if allowed to do so..
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Paranoid much ?

Banks always follow the procedure of asking your dob for security reasons.
OK, so they called you, but it could be just a mistake, or an attempt to regain your business, or sell you a product, or ask you survey questions, or any number of things, apart from debt collection.
Especially as you have no account with them any more, and no debts with them, I would not worry too much.
Besides, for something to affect your credit rating, it will take a little more effort than an aborted phonecall, probably made in error.

Having said all that, I would ring them back and find out what they wanted, or at leaast determine the dept that rang you and hang up.
Paranoid about what exactly?
If it was to sell me a product etc why didn't they continue the call?
If my name and number is on their debt collection list,when it shouldn't be.
It would be just manners to tell someone why you are calling them,and if the call was made in error explain how that happened,and reassure that it wont happen again.Not be ignorant about it..N0?
"I don't want to discuss this, post me a letter"

Solves all problems

Doesn't matter if they are chasing a debt or selling some product, just put it in a letter
Beware, it could be one of those identity fraudsters seeking your details ala the ones parodied on fonejacker.

As a general rule, if someone calls you, they should be able to fully identify themselves before you give them any details.
Beware, it could be one of those identity fraudsters seeking your details ala the ones parodied on fonejacker.

As a general rule, if someone calls you, they should be able to fully identify themselves before you give them any details.


I got one of those calls from Quinn Healthcare and she wanted my address before continuing with the call.

I said that I needed to be sure she was who she said she was and asked her to confirm my policy number. She wouldn't so I hung up.
OK, thanks all..
I have sent in a complaint to the bank involved,as it was a legitimate number from their debt collection section..
I think that if they do make a call in error,they should have the decency to explain how it happened and at least apologise for it.
I can only imagine being on the receiving end of that call if I had been in debt,the tone of the call was an exasperated,snooty, Im in charge here ,type,It gave me an insight into how the banks are treating people who do owe them money!
Beware, it could be one of those identity fraudsters seeking your details ala the ones parodied on fonejacker.

As a general rule, if someone calls you, they should be able to fully identify themselves before you give them any details.

I certainly do not give out my personal details (address, dob, etc) to people who ring me - they could be anyone.

What I usually say is eg tell me the month and I'll tell you the date, or give me the street and I'll give you the house number.

That way they know who I am and I know who they are.
This appears to be no greater a call than similar from a sales Call Centre. The likes of banks do this. Once they've trawled through their "mights" for sales they then descend to their "mights or mightn't" lists. It's just a way of selling and selling credit is not much different to selling mobile phones.

It is no big deal. My minimum requirements of information when I lift the telephone are (a) What's your name? (b) Who do you represent?(c) What do you want? If none of these is forthcoming then the call terminates immediately by me. The call terminates nearly as fast if the caller says "We would like to do this for you . . ."

Usually, I feel sorry for the person at the other end because most likely he/she is working for the minimum wage or less. Other than that most of the calls (especially around dinner-time) annoy me.
We are getting the call from that Eircom number about switching to their super duper broadband package with bells and whistles. We noticed a number of witheld numbers on our phone. They eventually got through to my wife last week and she said that she was happy with our existing package but said that she would mention the call to her husband. They are now ringing again and each time my wife answers the phone they hang up. They obviously want to speak with me.