Michéal Martin's Ard-Fheis Speech


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Finally, the leadership of Fianna Fáil woke up to the fact that they should have acted differently and not just blame the world recession and problems in the EU for the dreadful financial state Ireland is in. When Mr Martin admitted this fact he was greeted with tumultus applause from the party faithful. Many looking in on television would think "Good on ya Michéal, thanks for telling us what we already know."

I would ask (a) When will the people who caused Ireland to sink so dismally be locked up in prison?
(b) When will the Senate be disbanded?
(c) When will politicians act honestly?
(d) Is our soverignty ever going to be returned?

Anything else is just rabble rousing waffle.
Surely both mimclo and Pope John 11 mean " Never trust a politician"?
I couldnt understand the round of applause and standing ovation for Micheal Martin apologising. Why the standing ovation?

Are we all meant to applaud the admission by FF that they did something wrong?

He was already backtracking on the apology yesterday. Pure PR stuff.
He is leader

It was have been more unusual if the leader didn't get a standing ovation no matter what he said during the speech
all future labour demands can be met by immigration

We take every mistake the UK made and copy it

Multiculturalism brings a whole load of problems too

Starting with people refusing to integrate

I'd prefer if Limerick and Galway didn't end up like Leicester and Blackburn
Given the number of TDs/Senators/Councillors that FF have currently, will we now have to listen to Richard Boyd Barrett or Joe Higgins rambling on live on RTE1 at their conferences?
Never ever trust a Corkman

Have to disagree with you on that.

On a day that FG are celebrating a year in government - Michael Martin's speech was good.

Why no political party is seeking better financial regulation is pretty odd.

I tought Kenny/Gilmore the other day would have proposals.