Should sporting assocations pay for security on match days?


Registered User
Just seen this story on the amount of money the government has had to pay for garda overtime at Corrib.

It just got me thinking about the use of garda resources at big matches in Landsdowne and Croke Park. I was wondering should the GAA/FAI/IRFU pay for the security presence at these occasions or at least subsidise it?

Or is it possible to outsource most of the 'security' and just have a minimal garda prescence on the day?
It was my understanding that they do pay towards Garda security for major events.
It just got me thinking about the use of garda resources at big matches in Landsdowne and Croke Park. I was wondering should the GAA/FAI/IRFU pay for the security presence at these occasions or at least subsidise it?

You're assuming they don't. I'm pretty sure that some payment is made, though I don't know why I'm "pretty sure" :eek:.
As far as I know they pay for all the police and security costs inside the venue.

The state covers the costs for the policing outside.
Do groups that organise marches also have to pay for Gardai costs?
I'm thinking about the "Don't pay any charges" marches organised by the Slogans before Sense crowd.
As far as I know they pay for all the police and security costs inside the venue.

The state covers the costs for the policing outside.

Used to be a Croke Park resident and attended a few meetings

This is exactly correct.
GAA pay for the gardai inside the ground, the State pays for everything outside.

Same for the likes of Ballybrit and the Galway Races
Only they don't realy have outside cordons like Croke Park but they have to make a contribution towards the garda overtime bill

Every venue is different and something can always be worked out
The licence would have conditions on security and what's needed
Thanks for the confirmation, Micmclo.

Of course, I was only pretending to answer the query.
I think the UK system (for football matches anyway) is that the clubs pay for the police outside the game too.

In theory this seems fair, however, IIRC, the police determine the extent of how many are deployed and then just charge the clubs. Again, IIRC, I think it was Wigan lodged an appeal/complaint as they felt there was a small bit of revenue generation going on and police were upping the numbers year on year (and therefore the fees to clubs) without any evidence that it was necessary.

The police do get their judgements wrong on these issues, such as the lunch time kick offs for "higher risk" games, say this weekends UTD V Liverpool on the basis that it reduces the risk of violence with less time to consume alcohol. I think studies on the Old Firm matches show the later the kick off the less incidents as people tend to just go home after the match, with the lunch time kick offs, people tend to drink more as they just go the pubs after the match to watch the other games and then stew on whatever loss or injustice they perceive they've suffered.

I do think that clubs should pay for any police presence, but as always the sole judge in how much can't be left with the body that has a clean slate to increase revenue, it has to be demonstrated to be risk-based.