Is This Where Riverdance Really Started?

Times have changed, I don't know what he'd say if we told him Dublin are no longer the jackeens of Ireland, it's the Corkonians now
Times have changed, I don't know what he'd say if we told him Dublin are no longer the jackeens of Ireland, it's the Corkonians now

One will not allow oneself to be dragged into an argument or debate on this matter. One is tired and one is going to bed. Good night, Micmclo.
They showed all the good bits :D

If they showed the best bits from Dublin it would have been rather dull now that works are almost complete....I mean the M1, M3 and M8 are all pretty much similiar now ;)
As I get older, my memory become less and less reliable. But, at the mention of Happy Man, I can remember the tune and some of the chorus.

"I'm in love and I'm alive, happy man"

Why can't I forget THAT and remwember the important stuff :rolleyes: ? I guess back then, we didn't have so much distraction to clutter our impressionable brains.