Parents of Rioters


Registered User
Did anyone see the programme on C4 (I think) last night?

It interviewed about 5 or 6 teenagers who were involved in the riots last year.
They were interviewed in the presence of their parents, and in two cases, it was just the mother interviewed as the kid was in jail.

I was absolutely amazed as to the attitude of these people, as apart from one woman whose son was doing time and who showed a lot of shame and disgust (as well as a fair deal of self-loathing that she failed to raise her son better), the rest of the parents and kids treated the whole thing as a bit of a joke.

There was one kid in particular who had a smirk on his face the entire time, and his mother was no better, basically no condemnation, just pity and empathy towards their teenage criminal offspring.

Another kid from Manchester had obviously no remorse and his parents equated rioting with protesting. His father admitted to robbing, smashing windows etc when younger also.

Another guy had a single father and his mother lived in Brazil. In fairness to him, he seemed outwardly very bragadoccio but did seem to realise the error of his ways and although joked a bit, sounded like he never wanted to see the inside of jail again. Early intervention might have worked in his case. His father was not very condemning but obviously wasn't happy with his sons actions.

The last case was of a girl who had gone shopping and got caught up in the mess. Went into a looted shop, came out with 2 trainers, dropped them, and went on home. She got 10 months. Again, when her mother was interviewed, she seemed angry, but quite scared for her daughter. Hard to say if she was 100% innocent, but 10 months inside seemed harsh.

It was a very interesting look into the justification and condemnation of those well-off middle class families and working class families on both sides.
I tuned in for a few minutes to see a smug git (curly headed guy) with his two parents making out that he did it as part of a social protest at the state of the country.

Nuff said I switched over at that!:rolleyes:
That was the kid from manchester. He was an odious little git. He was bragging about going on the run if a warrant for his arrest was issued.

Big man.
Children don't just become bad, it's due to poor parenting.

No it's not. There are kids with behavioual problems, kids who lack empathy or ability to socially interact with other people, kids who are mentally ill, kids who are easily impressionable, etc etc. None of these things are the parents fault. Just like every kid that has crap parents doesn't turn out to be some sort of scumbag.

Of course parenting makes a huge difference but sometimes you can be the best parents in the world and there is nothing you can do to save your child from going down the wrong path.
Of course parenting makes a huge difference but sometimes you can be the best parents in the world and there is nothing you can do to save your child from going down the wrong path.

That may be true but in the majority of cases it works. Good parenting would have IMO resulted in a lot less rioters..
Of course parenting makes a huge difference but sometimes you can be the best parents in the world and there is nothing you can do to save your child from going down the wrong path.

Is there evidence to back this up? Or is it only wishful thinking? There are exceptions to every rule, but show me 90% of criminals and I will show you a bad parent.
Is there evidence to back this up? Or is it only wishful thinking? There are exceptions to every rule, but show me 90% of criminals and I will show you a bad parent.

lol are you just trying to make an argument that isn't there shnaek? Sunny did say "sometimes" and you obviously agree as you admit there are exceptions and seem to accept that as much as 10% of the time it could be the case that it is not down to parenting! So it sounds to me like you actually agree with Sunny! :D
lol are you just trying to make an argument that isn't there shnaek? Sunny did say "sometimes" and you obviously agree as you admit there are exceptions and seem to accept that as much as 10% of the time it could be the case that it is not down to parenting! So it sounds to me like you actually agree with Sunny! :D

:D I'll accept 90/10
OK, ok, sometimes I suppose even with good parents things can go wrong.

Fair enough.

And, yes, there are plenty of examples of social class mobility in Irl.

However, I still feel that responsible parents should always know where their children are, and responsible parents would ensure that a child doesn't end up in a situation where they are involved in a riot.
The thing is, good parents can still have tearaway kids who might do something like this (hopefully less serious though).
My confusion lies with the parents passive acceptance of the kids behaviour.
No punishment, no condemnation, no disgust shown.
The kids end up with no respect for authoritaah