11.11.11 @11.11

Sue Ellen

Creepy or lucky?

Heard something on the radio this morning about someone getting married at 11 o'clock to-day because they considered this date to be lucky. With weather like we're having wouldn't exactly consider it to be lucky.

Ever since a friend of my brother's was killed in accident on 9.9.99 just don't like these.
Creepy or lucky?

Heard something on the radio this morning about someone getting married at 11 o'clock to-day because they considered this date to be lucky. With weather like we're having wouldn't exactly consider it to be lucky.

Ever since a friend of my brother's was killed in accident on 9.9.99 just don't like these.

The armistice that ended the First World War was signed on the eleventh minute of the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month
Actually it was signed around 5am that day, to be effective at 11am to allow time for communications to go out.
Actually it was signed around 5am that day, to be effective at 11am to allow time for communications to go out.

Yes, I did some reading on this after I posted and it was signed at 5am but came into effect at 11am that day (11th hour of 11th day of 11th month). It was signed in Le Wagon de l'Armistice which, incidentally, is where Hitler forced the French to surrender in June 1940. The Germans took it to Germany but burned it in 1945 (long story). There is a replica in place in Compiègne Forest in France where the 1918 armistice was signed. If you ever take the tour they will tell you all about 1918 but do ask your guide about 1940 so that you can be met with stony silence :D
Yes, I did some reading on this after I posted and it was signed at 5am but came into effect at 11am that day (11th hour of 11th day of 11th month). It was signed in Le Wagon de l'Armistice which, incidentally, is where Hitler forced the French to surrender in June 1940. The Germans took it to Germany but burned it in 1945 (long story). There is a replica in place in Compiègne Forest in France where the 1918 armistice was signed. If you ever take the tour they will tell you all about 1918 but do ask your guide about 1940 so that you can be met with stony silence :D

Quite sad when you read about the poor sods who were killed on the last day of the war, if ever there was a futile death in battle, theirs was it