What frightens the life out of ye?

Labour in government

I have an annual, recurring dream (every May including this year) that I arrive in school and it's the morning of the Leaving Cert but I think it is just an ordinary day. For some reason the honours maths paper is first and I don't have anything done for it. I always wake up in a heap!
The first advertisement on the newspaper for Christmas parties, usually seen around August
The thoughts of going back on the smokes.

I'm off them 15 years now but still get the odd craving and know that even one drag of a cigarette would have me back on them.

Scares me no end. ( Which is probably a good thing)
No warning diagnosis of serious health issues, you stroll in, get a scan, sorry you've 6 weeks, put your affairs in order.........

Losing job & not getting another.

No great rationale/extra risk for either of the above so I wouldnt say I'm obsessed about them, but if there was something to frighten me it would be a scare re either of the above.
Needing a tracheotomy. Don't ask, but it's a big fear of mine. Unfortunately one of my clients makes equipment for them and i was going clammy and faint walking around and was asked if i needed to sit down!
Financial trouble

Ah when I was between jobs and waiting to get paid I had about three euro to buy food for five days.
Never, ever again will I get in that situation.

Rainy day fund in Rabobank and an emergency fund in Ulster and another bit tucked away in the credit union, AIB for day to day banking
I'm not rich or a homeowner but I'll always keep something in reserve

With monthly salaries sure you can leave a job, start another and go seven weeks without being paid
The flying monkeys in the Wizard of Oz - shudder.

The Windsor Safari Park scene in the original Omen.

Dreams of stepping off footpath and no road to meet foot

Worst of all dream of waking up and this running up the bedclothes towards face :eek:
Dreams of stepping off footpath and no road to meet foot

Those bloody potholes, eh?

I worry about somebody getting into the house at night and coming between me and the kids. I reckon I could deal with just about anything if I had time to put some shoes on. The rest of me could be naked, but I'd hate to have to try to deal with an intruder while in my bare feet!
Those bloody potholes, eh?

I worry about somebody getting into the house at night and coming between me and the kids. I reckon I could deal with just about anything if I had time to put some shoes on. The rest of me could be naked, but I'd hate to have to try to deal with an intruder while in my bare feet!

You'd just have to grab the nearest weapon you could find ;)