Why do some posters keep saying the same thing no matter what the topic is


Registered User
I don't want to give examples in case I offend anyone but has anyone else noticed a tendency for people to keep repeating the same thing in every thread them comment on?
I don't want to give examples in case I offend anyone but has anyone else noticed a tendency for people to keep repeating the same thing in every thread them comment on?

Any particular subjects? Banking, Election, Public V Private Sector?
Certainly on Banking and Finance matters. The public v private sector thing as well. But it's more a general observation. Maybe its just me and I have been here too long but when I see some people have posted a comment, I seem to have a fairly good idea what the gist of the post will be before I read it!

I also notice it when people talk about legal matters especially in areas like contracts. There are still some people who repeat the same advice over and over again (Usually that contracts can be broken easily because of some little technical problem) despite the fact that many of the posters on this site coming from a legal background have pointed out they are wrong.
The obvious reason is that there is too much free speech and not enough regulation on AAM ;-)
Certainly on Banking and Finance matters. The public v private sector thing as well. But it's more a general observation. Maybe its just me and I have been here too long but when I see some people have posted a comment, I seem to have a fairly good idea what the gist of the post will be before I read it!

I also notice it when people talk about legal matters especially in areas like contracts. There are still some people who repeat the same advice over and over again (Usually that contracts can be broken easily because of some little technical problem) despite the fact that many of the posters on this site coming from a legal background have pointed out they are wrong.

Yes, I agree with you.
yeah, tis uncanny how walking naked in a field of thistles can find its way into so many diverse discussions :D

As to the general point, does it not just display consistency? wouldnt it be weirder if people had very divergent views on issues (I'm not justifying anyone giving incorrect contract advice or whatever....)
"The banks are always right"
"You can't default and run away from that loan/mortgage etc. The bank will hunt you down and eat your young!"
"Tough! You signed that contract, live with it!"
"No one forced you to buy that house in Dublin 4".
What drives me nuts and I've previously started a similar thread is people who ignore the question and give a moral standpoint /judgement/opinion.

E.g. current topic re legality of neighbour having a cctv camera pointing into poster's garden.

example answer: why don't you talk to your neighbour and establish better relationships?

My answer to that: Why don't you answer the actual question or if you don't actually know the definitive answer (like me) keep your counsel to yourself!

"Just the facts ma'am, just the facts."
This is a discussion forum. People are free to give opinions as many times as they like. Whether those opinions are the same or different.

This is an excellent forum due to the moderators doing an excellent job.

However there is a tendency for some posters to have a holier than thou attitude especially to new posters who may not have found there feet here. This affects input from new posters.
This thread is an example of that holier than thou attitude. Some people need to lighten up.
This is a discussion forum. People are free to give opinions as many times as they like. Whether those opinions are the same or different.

This is an excellent forum due to the moderators doing an excellent job.

However there is a tendency for some posters to have a holier than thou attitude especially to new posters who may not have found there feet here. This affects input from new posters.
This thread is an example of that holier than thou attitude. Some people need to lighten up.

Or another thing that really annoys me is people using 'there' instead of 'their'. How's that for holier than thou!
On opinions offered (as opposed generally to advice), I like to read some fairly radical out of left field comments & responses. They help clarify or change my own views. I mostly know my own views on certain things, it kinda nice to see a good counter-argument. I also know I can go on a rights and morals tandem, and it's kinda funny (even sometimes humbling) and enlightening when someone takes a diameterically opposite view, or a positon that I haven't even thought of. I also appreciate someone if they have a sense of humour, but sideways swipes and snide remarks really get my goat.
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Or another thing that really annoys me is people using 'there' instead of 'their'. How's that for holier than thou!

Mine is loose instead of lose. I do know someone with a holier then thou attitude, never admits to reading chick lit, watching soaps or god forbid reality tv (I don't believe her btw) and yet she doesn't know that you lose something not loose it.