why do publications refer to Jordon as a beauty??


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OK - I do not want to slag Jordon/Katie Price off, but really she is not a classic beauty. She is an ex glamor model, who has done pretty well for herself..

However I read this am an online article and she is referred to as "The 32-year-old beauty" - please she is not beautiful....

Rant over ...
Or do you think she is beautiful??

She is always caked in half a ton of makeup and big false eyelashes!To be honest,I think she just looks tarty.I wouldn't like my 19 year old going out looking like her.
Strip that all off and she is quite ordinary and normal,like the rest of us.

Obectively, I guess she has certain features/assets etc that could be called attractive. But no, she is exactly not my type at all.
Not a beauty by any means. But an astute business woman imo.
Getting past the inch of makeup, false lashes and plastic parts, she also appears to have an ugly personality.

I know someone who has met her a few times and she is hateful apparently. Not friendly at all.
I remember she was opening a shop in Henry street over 10 years ago. They had a poster of her in the window advertising it.
It was the first time I heard of her. She was a lot better looking back then before she got any cosmetic surgery.
I think you were right first time Pete; I'd need double strength beer-goggles before trying to pull that one!
I think you’re all being very hard on her... then again I have very low standards.
Ive seen pics of her as a teenager before she had any work done and she WAS pretty. But now she is just a kind of freakish plastic surgery doll.
I'd say one of the reasons publications refer to her as a beauty is because she shifts copies and so by keeping in with her they ensure a steady stream of "exclusives".

My other theory is that without my knowledge, in modern vernacular "beauty" now refers to "skank". That would be a better explanation.
when she was involved with Formula 1, IMHO she was more of a beauty then. Not now, even with triple-strength beer-goggles..
One of the chaps who works for me told me today that if his boss told him to then' he'd take one for the team'. Which I thought was damned decent of him!