Chilean Miner Rescue


Registered User
6 men out so far according to Sky News - some amazing footage and photos of the rescue - poor guys, I hope it all continues to go without a hitch.
Chilean Miners

Agree great footage, positive outcome, I just thought of the poor guys in the Sub(Kursk)

Loved the footage, very emotional event.
Not to put a downer on it, but I can't help thinking that if someone "important" was down there, like a minister doing inspections, that they'd be whipped out of there a lot sooner. Bah Humbug me!
Bet this guy is looking forward to it anyway!

[broken link removed]
Agree great footage, positive outcome, I just thought of the poor guys in the Sub(Kursk)

That occurred to me as well. What a horrible way to go.

Great to think that current technology offers a solution for mining disasters. It makes you wonder how many similar accidents occuured since mining began where those trapped were left to perish.
Not to put a downer on it, but I can't help thinking that if someone "important" was down there, like a minister doing inspections, that they'd be whipped out of there a lot sooner. Bah Humbug me!
I know nothing about mining, but you have not given any indication that you do either. In all the saturation media coverage that has been going on, has anyone from a mining background, anywhere in the world said " Hold on, there is a quicker way of doing this".

If you want to complain, at least complain about the real problem. What went wrong with their safety standards, that allowed it to happen in the first place. The company have a lot of questions to answer.
Agree great footage, positive outcome, I just thought of the poor guys in the Sub(Kursk)

Loved the footage, very emotional event.

I was thinking of them too. Goes to show what is possible when there is a will to do the right thing.
I wonder if we were not living in an internet age if these miners would have been let die.
I know nothing about mining, but you have not given any indication that you do either. In all the saturation media coverage that has been going on, has anyone from a mining background, anywhere in the world said " Hold on, there is a quicker way of doing this".

If you want to complain, at least complain about the real problem. What went wrong with their safety standards, that allowed it to happen in the first place. The company have a lot of questions to answer.

Easy...I'm not complaining at all, just offering an opinion.
With this and the LFC court case settled in favour of The chairman and against Hicks & Gillet, you might enjoy knowing that on Margaret Thatcher's 85th birthday she'll be watching nothing but celebrating scousers and miners all day on TV :D
Apparently the last minor out was in a state of shock...he had forgotten to clock-in
Jokes aside - I found it to be compulsive viewing last night - I even got up at 2.30am to see had they all come out successfully.

Just so good to see a really positive event on the news for a change instead of the usual doom and gloom!!
The joy of one miner at getting out was offset by the realisation that he'd left the immersion on.
The first half dozen to be rescued have already secured contract work in northern England.

They're going to teach Liverpool FC how to get out of a deep hole before Christmas.
wait.....who won the Chilean Big Brother after all?

( Yes, joking aside, it was a joy to watch them all emerging safely)
Think I read somewhere they will get together and write one book and split the proceeds.
Though like many gentleman's agreements it may fall apart if some of the individuals get an offer.