Threat to all of our pensions: Ó Cuív says OA Pension cuts cannot be ruled out



People seem to think that any proposed threat to pensioners pension will only affect pensioners. People need to realise that it will be your pension when you reach retirement age. You are paying into your pension and the government want to reduce it.

This is your pension. Not just some old ladies pension.
That's assuming you live to an age where you will be entitled to receive it.

I really hope everybody gets behind the pensioners when they show us how to protest again.
At this stage I'm just working on the assumption that if I get to retirement age, there will be no state pension.
I really hope everybody gets behind the pensioners when they show us how to protest again.
I disagreed with them last time (when well off greedy people on over €1350 a week wanted to keep their free medical care that they could well afford to pay for). I'm not sure about it this time but why should they be exempt from cuts?
At this stage I'm just working on the assumption that if I get to retirement age, there will be no state pension.

I disagreed with them last time (when well off greedy people on over €1350 a week wanted to keep their free medical care that they could well afford to pay for). I'm not sure about it this time but why should they be exempt from cuts?

+1 on both.
+1 on both.

+ 2.

It is an inevitability that anyone under the age of 50 now will get a significantly lower OAP entitlement than is payable at the moment.

Whatever about standing up for a belief that current OAPs need the money, opposing cuts in the belief that we can simply make the issue go away and not be reconsidered for another 30 years is an exercise in futility

Unlike us workers who will inevitably end up paying more tax, the retired have the time and the brass neck to mount a significant whinge campaign.

The whinging of old codgers with a pile of money in the bank should not be entertained this time.
The government should be standing up to the grey army and cut the state pension. Why should they be immune from social welfare cuts? Free electricity? Free TV licence? They can suffer like the rest of us.
The government should be standing up to the grey army and cut the state pension. Why should they be immune from social welfare cuts? Free electricity? Free TV licence? They can suffer like the rest of us.

Absoutely , after all what have they ever done for the country ?

Let them eke out their lives in misery and fear !

Yes I agree means testing is probably the best way to proceed but let's not forget the many thousands whose only income is derived from the OAP.
There are very wealthy pensioners that have a free medical card, electricity allowance, free telephone etc. They should loose these.

Can you be specific about what aspects of pensions you see as potentially under attack?

Pensions debate

With the demographics of population ageing in Ireland, we are facing the problem where there will be fewer persons in employment to pay for the pensions of those who have retired. And no amount of street protestations by the grey brigade is going to change this sad fact.

I think this goes beyond cuts in pensions to a debate on how can Ireland meet the income needs of retirement. We've seen one strand of this with people being encouraged to provide supplementary cover to the state pension. That in itself can be seen on various levels. One is that the state pension is inadequate so the government is encouraging persons to supplement the public pension with private cover. Alternatively, rather than pensions and income being seen as the responsibility of the state, it is actually the individuals responsibility to make their own provisions for security in retirement.

Other European countries have already had this debate so atypically we are paying catch up in trying to figure out how we are going to pay for pensions in forthcoming years.

I thought it was interesting to hear Gerard Scully from Age Action saying that older persons had already taken several cuts over the past years? What cuts did older persons take in their pensions? The situation is that the Government didnt have the bottle to face down the street protests around the withdrawal of the GMS. So now we've got the perverse situation where older persons can earn up to 700 euros per week and still have full entitlement to the GMS whereas on the other level you can have low income families who may have ongoing medical needs but yet wouldnt qualify for the GMS/doctors only visit card because they exceed the income threshold and they still wouldnt be given the card on discretionary entitlement.

We are in a situation where every PAYE worker, self employed person and social welfare recipient with the exception of older persons suffered cuts in income in the last budget. And before persons rant... no its not acceptable but we didnt have a choice.

I'd be asking where's the solidarity from the grey hair brigade?
Means test ,means test , means test

Do not just blanket cut people who have to live on 230 quid a week. These people have paid tax and worked their whole Life.

I think they should get free tv license, free heating and yes a medical card so they do not have to fret about having to pay to see a doctor. They've got past the finish line of working up to retirement age . Give them a break.

Lads and lassies,
You think you are talking about old people that you do not know, you are actually talking about yourselves. You will be getting this pension when you retire.

You will be the grey hair brigade. There is no difference between you or them apart from the fact that you will be them in a few years time.

Would you like to see these older people without a pension scrimping just to feed themselves and heat the house.(Mabe you would hand them out tins of cat food)

What happens if pensions are removed. What happens people who do not have occupational pensions or did not have the foresight to put away money for their retirement.

Where would you make the cuts ?

I would make them from taxation from working people between the ages of 18 to 65. increase the tax bands.

12.5 % corpo tax. How much would 1% on this bring in.

Spare me the companies would run. You don't know for a fact that this will happen.
Persons have paid RSI and have seen cuts in the period of entitlement to jobseekers benefit and that's in addition to the amounts of all other benefits and allowances....

I dont agree that persons should qualify automatically for the household package. In stringent times services need to be targeted at those most in need. I think its economic madness to suggest that persons should have the right to these secondary benefits irrespective of their actual means. The costs on the exchequer of operating this scheme was seriously underestimated when it was first implementated. I remember reading an ESRI study in year one or two after it was implemented and what stuck out for me was that the Government underestimated the costs of implementation. It staggered belief the government estimated that it would only cost €19m in year one when in actual fact the cost was €52m.
Lads and lassies,
You think you are talking about old people that you do not know, you are actually talking about yourselves. You will be getting this pension when you retire.

You will be the grey hair brigade. There is no difference between you or them apart from the fact that you will be them in a few years time.
People should make their own provisions for old age. If you are under 45 you have plenty of time. If you are under 55 you still have enough time. We need to realise that the state is not our mammy and we should look after ourselves where possible.

What happens if pensions are removed. What happens people who do not have occupational pensions or did not have the foresight to put away money for their retirement.
Who's talking about removing it?
People should make their own provisions for old age. If you are under 45 you have plenty of time. If you are under 55 you still have enough time. We need to realise that the state is not our mammy and we should look after ourselves where possible.

Ok Purple, tell me as someone of 45 who earns 36k how i would provide for my old age and have an income of say 15K when I get to 65? I have a small mortgage and three children, I still in college. Just how much would I need to invest each month so i don't have to depend on a state pension?