Work cut to 3 days a week - another welfare questoin

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Registered User
Hi All,

I've just been put on a 3-day week by my employer and had a question about social welfare entitlements.

1. I know I can sign on for the 2 days i am not working but was wondering - if I decided not to do this and lost my job completely in 6 months would I then be eligible for jobseekers benefit at the full rate for 12 months?

2. If I did apply for JB for the 2 days I'm not working, how often am I required to sign on?

Thanks for your help,
Answer no 2 you go in to your social welfare office on the first day of your claim and will be called back for a short interview a few days later.As long as you are on a three day week,SW send you out a yellow form to fill in with your days worked and you post or drop this back in to them.There is quite a wait for your first payment but it will be backdated to day 4 of the claim.You are paid by cheque which you can lodge or cash in your local post office.
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