Which energy supplier has best rate for microgeneration?

So Ive looked at the data from ESB and Ive uploaded it to energypal

Scatty information on BG bill as to the date range the FIT is paid for but on their website it says they now pay it every 6 months.

Assuming thats roughly beginning Nov 23 to April 24- paid 29 euro

Energypal calculates I exported 143.48 kwh over that time period @18.5 cents per kwh- €26.54 (so close enough)

I cant seem to figure out though how much of my own energy ive used. rather than drawing from the grid. Energypal shows energy imported and energy exported. Is there a way of telling the following

1. Total energy generated by solar (within specific time parameters)- Soliscloud doesnt appear to allow this
2. Energy exported- this is known
3. Energy created and and consumed (can be figured out I guess by subtracting 2 from 1)
4. Energy imported- this is known.

If I was able to figure out 3 I could scrutinise my bills more in depth and figure out if my solar is working properly
I cant seem to figure out though how much of my own energy ive used. rather than drawing from the grid. Energypal shows energy imported and energy exported. Is there a way of telling the following
Yeah, you'd need a solar controller that can provide detailed generation stats to work that out.
Can I ask how you did that? App or web version? I’ve tried doing that with specific dates say 1/11/23 to 10/4/24 and it doesn’t seem to work
it's on the main Soliscloud webpage - you can use the slider at the bottom to zoom in a particular period.
