Which companies have guarantee funds with equity content


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I want to invest lump sum €20k in a unit fund that guarantees the capital after 5 years. I dont want a fund that only puts most of it into cash or gilts. I am looking for a guarantee fund that puts minimum 30% into equities or property. Hibernian used have a fund, but their web site says it is closed to new business.Does anyone know other companies with such funds.
Is a Tracker Bond close to what I am looking for. But memory tells me the weight of opinion on AAM was against trackers.
New Ireland Guaranteed Evergreen - 100% capital guarantee (6 year term)

Canada Life Active Guaranteed Bond - 100% capital guarantee (6 year term)

Irish Life Protected Consensus - 100% capital guarantee (6 year term)

Eagle Star have 4 Protected Funds which offer 80% capital guarantee (early surrender penalties for first 5 years)

These are the ones I'm familiar with. There are probably a lot more.
I checked these out.
New Ireland are mainly invested in gilts, which is not what I want. Canada Life & Eagle Star have about 60% equity/property & 40% cash/gilts.
Which are more likely to give better capital growth - these guarantee funds with Canada Life & Eagle Star, or Tracker Bonds

The New Ireland Guaranteed Evergreen invests 80% in the Evergreen Fund to begin with which has about a 57% equity content at the moment.

I couldn't say which will give better returns, impossible to predict. The Eagle Star product gives and 80% capital guarantee whereas the Canada Life one gives 100% so it really depends on how much of a guarantee you're looking for.

I'm not that familiar with trackers.
Irish life protected consensus bond is 78% shares,5% cash,12% bonds,5% property.