Virtual Office?


Registered User
Am looking at starting a business. Whilst I will be working from home for the most part, it has been suggested that a "virtual office" or virtual address might be helpful. In essence I think all I would require is:
1) A nicer postal addresses that makes it sound more like a business address
2) Someone to answer phones - take messages or divert to me
3) Occcasionally have access to a meeting room if required. Not something that would be required often maybe once or twice per year.

I have seen a range of companies offering this who charge from €25-€300 per month - but am more looking for people's idea / experience. Naturally enough I'm going to be going for somewhere that is cheap, as at the start of the company all the costs matter.

Maybe I'm the only one that feels this way, but when I see someone operating from such a setup I have an automatic impression of a "fly by night" company. I know that this is not the case and is somewhat irrational, but my gut instinct is to be wary of such operations. Am I alone in this?
Maybe I'm the only one that feels this way, but when I see someone operating from such a setup I have an automatic impression of a "fly by night" company. I know that this is not the case and is somewhat irrational, but my gut instinct is to be wary of such operations. Am I alone in this?
If the company is registered at a legit address I wouldn't be so worried.
understand what you're saying - but would it not look even worse if you sent something to what is clearly a house?

The virtual office as I understand them give you a normal postal address like:
"Acme Industries - 100 Harcourt Place, Dublin " etc as opposed to "Acme Industries - 100 Kilfield Downs, Rathfarnam, Dublin 14"
Hi, Just wanted to say that i used such a company when i started out on my own and it worked out very well indeed. I, like you, was worried about coming across as unprofessional by using a residential address and also i did not want business stuff coming to my home (your home becomes your workplace and if things don't work out you will receive reminders everyday from companies trying to call or fax your old business). I had a virtual office with a D4 address and they answered my calls with my company name and called me before connecting the caller everytime so i could choose whether to take it or forward to my mailbox (which i could dial in to). I believe it helped me land my biggest contract which put me in a position to sell my small business and buy into a big company. They are not cheap but you may find tax incentives for such a thing. They also have meeting rooms which i used for free.