


Hi we are a irish company who just got a labour only job in the UK for a UK company we quoted the job in euros which they converted into Punts.

1. How do we invoice them? in euros as thats our currency and do we charge them VAT
2 Can we claim our expenses diesel, travel etc
3. If we bought goods in the UK for the job and are charged VAT how do we claim it back etc
4 Do we convert back to euros every time we do a invoice and then work on the exchange rate that is available that day.

the company that we are working for also have a irish company and they have our C2 on file will this make a difference or not.

Are we better setting up a english company if we are going to be doing alot more work in the UK and close up the irish one?

Can anyone help answer a few questions for me signed the preward meeting doc's to day and did a few days work in uk last week on the job
You need to get professional advice on this.

You mention a c2, so it sounds as if you are in the building industry. If so, you may be required to register for and charge UK VAT. You may also be within the remit of the UK's construction withholding tax regime.

Depending on the lenght of the project, you may create a UK "permanent establishment" and so fall within the remit of UK corporation tax (and maybe UK PAYE).