TRS Questions


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I have a friend, who did not realise until tonight that she could claim TRS on mortgage payments. Hasn't been for five years of the mortgage so far.

Now I know, she can claim back as far as 2004 with TRSP forms for each relevant year and needs to fill out TRS1 form to set up.

She is married, but seperated. She has paid the mortgage herself for the last two years, so presumably she can just claim this back as a single claimant? For the previous years both her and her husband paid it together, but I was wondering if she can just put this down as single claimant also, so that she is entitled to all tax relief due. I just wanted to know if there are any implications to doing this? I imagine myself, that she should claim it as a married couple, but this would involve him knowing about this unclaimed tax. I don't think, myself, that he should get any of it as he pays pittance for maintenance (60 euro per month for two kids). Just looking for clarification on this, as don't want her getting into trouble with the revenue for false information. Thanks in advance.