Trading on Amazon


Registered User
I've been given an opportunity to sell a product online in the uk. It is currently selling well here. I set it up and for 2 months I didn't get a sale. The company here ran out of stock but are due to start trading again under the same agreement from August.

Can anyone advice what is the best option in getting traffic to your product on I tried google ad words but really didn't know enough about it to make it work for me.

Any advice appreciated.
If you are not familiar with adwords then you should try to avoid it as it may cost you a fortune. Here are some simple methods and FREE that you can do to promote your product.

1. You can write articles about your product and publish them in different article directories linking back to your sales page.

2. Create a facebook fan page and promote your product.
3. Create a twitter account and promote your product there
4. Join Ning community sites based on your product (do a search, you may be lucky to find one that is related to your product) and you can again promote your products

5. Blogging. (You would have to pay for a domain and hosting) or you can also use free blogging platforms like

Feel free to contact me if you need any clarification on the points.