Tips on adding online store.



Hi first time poster here, I aplogise if this thread has been done to death already but I was looking on advice on intergrating an online store into an existing website. I have only started working with a small company but sufecient comapny and the boss has tasked me with the job of looking into setting up an online store. I know you need a merchant account and we are waiting for word back from Ulster Bank as I heard there Realex system is quite decent comapred to the prices of paypal. Does anyone have any recommendations on what shopping cart programs that I should look into that are maybe cheap/free? I have been looking at Yahoo merchants starter plan and e-Mal. However to use Yahoo's cart your merchant account needs to be compatable with "First Data's processing platform called Nashville (formly Envoy)" would anybody be able to confirm its compatability with Realex. I would appreciate any recoomendations.

By the way I have very little programming expereience, I was fairly cr*p at C in college, so hopefully you can recommend a cart that keeps the HTMl to the minimum.

Thanks for reading that spiel Guys
Maybe try the open source
It should have most of what you need.
No expert on this myself, just a pointer!