"The Woods Deal" The worst deal in the history of the state?


Registered User
Just was listening to former minister Woods on RTE talking about the deal he finalised with the religious orders on his last day in office. The religious orders now pay approx 10% of the total and you and I pay the rest. The cost to us will be far in excess of €1,000,000,000. Puts voting machines in a totally new light?
I don't think it's fair to sell Fianna Fail and in particular the current Government short - what about benchmarking - that'll be costing us in perpetuity.

And who knows how NAMA, Anglo nationalisation, bank re-capitalisations or the bank guarantee scheme will end up costing the taxpayer.
I think just about everybody has forgotten about the real bad deal.

I don't think it's fair to sell Fianna Fail and in particular the current Government short - what about benchmarking - that'll be costing us in perpetuity.

I would say that the critics of this have had their wishes come through by the pension levy.

I think just about everybody has forgotten about the real bad deal.


Not all of this went through and even at that the Government Departments were the main bodies that moved and at that a very insignificant porportion. The semi states never really got their act together to move. In fact their non-moving only showing how inflexible they were.

Now to remain on topic on this thread I seem to remember that the C&AG's office done a report on this deal a few years ago which predicted that this deal would cost the State more than €1bn. At the time Mr. Woods stated and rubbished the C&AG's office (which is a constitutional office/postition) saying that their report was a "guessimate" and that his original estimate of €500M would be the real amount.

Now despite having insulted the staff of that office and their profesionallism it seems they were right and he was very very wrong.

All adds to the fact that this was a bad deal.
Not all of this went through and even at that the Government Departments were the main bodies that moved and at that a very insignificant porportion.

Our glorious govt has bought and leased land at boom time prices which have decreased in price may or may not be used (ie complete waste), they still plan to sell public buildings which if they had sold them 3 or 4 years ago would have funded the move but now we are in a depressed state so we (Joe Public) will make a another loss on the deal.

The semi states never really got their act together to move. In fact their non-moving only showing how inflexible they were.

I hardly think it is being fair to say people are inflexible when they didn't want to move down the country against their will.