"The Cowen Era" Show on RTÉ 7/11/11


Registered User
Did anyone watch the RTE programme last night?

I am not an FF supporter but I actually felt sorry for Cowen after watching it.

I couldn't believe the nerve of some ex Ministers speaking out now. Why didn't they speak out months and months go when things were going from bad to worse. The mind boggles.
I saw it, and listening to the radio today I heard the words 'character assassination' used a lot.

Fair enough it was tough on him, but he was at the helm when this country was ruined for generations to come. And for that reason I have no sympathy for him.

As for his cronies, yeah they had a nerve the way they chatted last night. Washing their hands of any wrongdoing.

IMHO they are all as bad as each other. They are all sitting on fat pensions, and won't have to worry about future budgets, finding money for fuel, food etc like a lot of people in this country.

Good riddance to them all.