"The apprentice at Home" The camera man is @ work, contestants smoking in work place?


If contestants are smoking in the apprentice at home are they in breach of the Smoking in the work place act? The camera operator and other production staff are workers. And the contestants could be considered performers.
I have never seen them smoking indoors.
Anytime Ive seen them smoking its at a patio table outdoors.But I could be wrong,if you could point out where you have seen them smoking indoors,and we can take a look.Its on the tv3 website..
2mins 22secs Nov 1st Panos is seen sitting in the sunroom reading a letter and smoking a cigarette.

This house is the workplace for the camera operator and as such tv3 would seem to be in breach of the relevant act.

I take you point that if the contestants / production team stepped outside for their fag then there would be no problem.
I just watched that clip and two things came to mind;

One, clearly he was smoking in the sunroom ,but it appears that the camera man was outside,in that the windows were shown in every shot?

Two, if a plumber comes to your house and you happen to be smoking in your own home,is this now his place of work,and would you then be in violation of his rights?

I say this because the house has become the candidates home for the duration.so perhaps they are entitled to smoke and the cameraman is likened to the plumber?
Its an interesting one..Maybe TV3 could clear it up..