Tax releif for tuition fees



I have recently returned to college to comlete my degree by evening.
Has anyone experience with claiming releif for tuition fees? I beleive I may get more or lesss releif depending on the time of year that I apply. The form is the IT31. Can anyone advise me on this?
Any advice apprecaited.
you get 20% of fees back in tax credits but the college must be on the approved list !! you will find it on
The time of year you claim doesn't matter - it's when you pay the fees that counts.
On that subject, is it possible for a parent to get tax credits on fees paid for grinds for a child of theirs doing their leaving or junior cert
If you have already sat a degree and are applying for a second degree can you claim rent relief?

Can this payment be back dated - i sat 4 years in college and never claimed