Home Subsidence Claim Submitted; Insurer Excludes Subsidence on Renewal



A few months ago, I notified my home insurer of a possible subsidence claim on my house. They put me in contact with their loss adjuster.
I have an engineer preparing a report on the house and will send the report to the loss adjustor shortly. The engineer recommended to get Dynorod to do a video inspection on the drains under the house.
The video shows cracked drains with leaking water which gives rise to the subsidence.
The engineer's report will be going into the loss adjustor / insurer in next week or two. We expect to hear from their engineer and then discuss cause of subsidence and amount to fix it.

My home insurance is up for renewal next month and the insurance company has sent out renewal notice but they want to exclude subsidence from the renewal cover.

A couple of questions:
1. Will this effect the current claim? Is the claim / loss event tied to the date when the claim was notified. i.e. since I already have a claim made, the insurer won't be able to deny a portion of the claim if I don't have subsidence cover on next renewal.
2. Can they remove subsidence cover? They current claim is in progress, it is not proved or disproved. Would it be normal practice to exclude subsidence cover on renewal in these circumstances?
3. I presume If I try to switch insurer, the new insurer will also try to exclude subsidence or charge a high price for it?

To my knowledge, my area is not prone to subsidence so I think it is an isolated incident associated with leaking drains under my house.

Thanks for any feedback.
1 - your claim is accepted as cover was in place at time of notification.

2- They can remove the cover at renewal date . However, the 'restricted' cover only applies FROM renewal date.

3- You will have to tell all prospective new insurers of the 'restrictions' PRIOR to getting quote
Have you already notified your insurer that you are making a claim? I suggest you do that before the renewal date.
You should still be able to claim as the subsidence relates to last year, but good luck proving that if you haven't already notified the insurer of the claim.
Yes the claim has been notified.
(I am going to crosscheck what I have in writing from insurer / loss adjuster).

So, it looks like I will have to bear the risk of any future subsidence.
Hopefully this will not occur when current problems have been fixed.