Other Storage insurance and claim.

Pinoy adventure

Registered User
Hi all

Just after Xmas we put all our belongings into
A secure storage facility as we are getting major work done on the house.

Today owner of facility contacted us about a flood within the facility.upon entering our unit all of our belongings were submerged in about 1 foot of water.

Everything from new tvs,laptops,cameras,all sorts of paperwork from car log books,passports,bank books/credit union books and lots of other stuff.

He recommended we go true everything in his company so he could take notes of everything.

Any idea where should we begin with this ?

He has told us he will call us tomorrow.
Some of the stuff,the likes of cloths/toys etc are of low value but the likes of the new TVs are in the thousands and still in there original packaging as they have never been opened.
Our son got a new computer for Xmas with all the bells and whistles but again is completely destroyed.

A fair amount of sentimental stuff from late parents which can never be gotten again.

Any advice

Hi Pinoy,

Very, very sorry to hear this dreadful news. I suppose the only way to look at these things is that no one was hurt and possessions can always be replaced or perhaps repaired in the case of your parent's items.

The only advice that I can think of at the moment is to take lots and lots of photos. Perhaps photo each item individually to ensure that you don't miss out on anything.

Presumably the owner's insurance will cover this rather than cover outside of your home insurance or has he mentioned anything about this?
Hi Pinoy,

Very, very sorry to hear this dreadful news. I suppose the only way to look at these things is that no one was hurt and possessions can always be replaced or perhaps repaired in the case of your parent's items.

The only advice that I can think of at the moment is to take lots and lots of photos. Perhaps photo each item individually to ensure that you don't miss out on anything.

Presumably the owner's insurance will cover this rather than cover outside of your home insurance or has he mentioned anything about this?

We haven’t got that far yet.
We have too meet him today too go through all of this as yesterday was really just a blur of emotions & stress.

The physical items can be replaced and whatnot it’s more of the headache of having too go through this.
Sorry to hear you're going through this, I can understand fully how stressful this must be and I can offer one consolation be thankful that it was a storage unit and not your house

My advise for this is to take tons of pictures especially the high value items, get yourself an A4 pad and write down/list everything that was in the storage unit and make copies of the list.
Don't worry about value while there this can be done later at home where you might have access to receipts and the internet to help you
Don't forget to ask for their insurance details and the level of cover
It will take time and is a big pain in the backside but you will get there

One bit of advise is not to blame the owner, I presume this is something that happened which was beyond his control
And is now also dealing with a situation he would rather not be dealing with
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One bit of advise is not to blame the owner, I presume this is something that happened which was beyond his control
And is now also dealing with a situation he would rather not be dealing with

IMHO the issue of bailment may arise.

Bailment occurs where one party [bailor] entrusts property to the other party [bailee] for safe keeping.
The bailee's usual obligation is to return the bailor's property and in the same condition.

There are different types of bailment.
This looks to me like a case of bailment for hire/reward.
This type of bailment puts a high duty on the bailee to keep the property safe and to return it intact.

There may be issues of contract.
Did the contract between the bailor [the OP] and the bailee exclude or limit legal liability for loss or damage?
If so, does it pass the test of being fair ?

OP might consult with his household insurance company.
Some policies may provide cover for contents temporarily outside the home.
This will depend very much on what the particular policy wording says.

My sympathies to OP and family as this type of misfortune is a real pain.
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Little update on the situation.
Have met the owner who told us everything will be taken care of.
All cloths washed and dry cleaned and stored in a separate storage unit.
All electronics replaced like for like,ordered and will be put in separate storage unit.
Paperwork is still a bit pile of a mess and awaiting too go through.
Kids toys/stuff mainly gone through but trying too convince him at least half is no longer needed.
We are getting there bit by bit.