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Did anyone else watch this?

The taxi driver just happened to live in Clondalkin,he just happened to do volentary work for Pieta house and (sadly)his son took his own life.
I think the man involved and John Concannon are fantastic people,but I find it all a bit too far fetched.
Even though the benefits of the programme are far reaching.still find it very hard to believe..
Oh how cynical. But I kinda thought it was very convenient myself. Maybe too much of a coincidence.
In any case, it felt very real and had no falseness to it imo
I thought it was a very good episode and hope to see more like it.

If only RTE could commission shows like this without resorting to importing the formula.
I found it a bit contrived as well, more so than the uk version. There was nothing contrived about his feelings about suicide though.

I thought it was good enough, parents liked it as they kept telling everyone to 'be quiet' if anyone opened their mouth.

I don't watch these tyep of programmes to much (would never get off the couch) but I am addicted to the irish version of masterchef.
Didn't see it but I saw the a few episodes of the English one. I think it is one of those concepts that has a life span of one series. It's a bit like undercover boss. Basically if anyone starts talking to you and is being followed by a camera, just assume that all is not as it seems!
I found the programme to be uplifting. It was a true insight into life in Ireland and particularly in the least desirable housing areas. One lady said they should be paid to live in the estate. Think of the chances kids there have for a decent future with rampant poverty, drugs, alcoholism etc.

Enter RTE and John Concannon, perhaps somewhat contrived, but it shows that there are still good people out there. Make no mistake, the feelings of the taxi driver and the others were not contrived.

Remember, these people could have done nothing, but they did and think of the lives that have been saved as a result.
thought it was good, he dished over plenty of lolly so he had the courage of his convictions.

I'd say the taxi driver thing was definitely pre-arranged (who arranges to meet a taxi driver for a pint?????), but no less worthy for that contrivance.

Thought the millionaire was a bit emotional for a lad in his position - still, nice to see its not all the usual self-aggrandising ball breaking that the likes of Bill Cullen go on with (even allowing for him hamming it up a bit for the cameras)