Salad recipes


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Am starting on a new healthy eating 'thing'. Have already worked my way up to one litre a day of water(will get to two eventually!).

I've cleared the kitchen of most processed foods and cook most evenings.
What I'm looking for now though are salad recipes. Anyone got any favourites they'd be willing to share? I don't have much imagination around these after lettuce, tomato and coleslaw!
Bee said:
Am starting on a new healthy eating 'thing'. Have already worked my way up to one litre a day of water(will get to two eventually!).

What's that? The H Block diet? :eek:
hi bee
in the same boat, i got a george foreman grill, i do chicken breast, peppers onion on it have this on pitta bread with a wee bit of paul newmans sauces

it's lovely!
salads don't require recipes! you just throw in pretty much what you have around, using some common sense: gherkins and olives may not go too well together. Start with the green stuff: use different lettuces, except for iceberg which is as nutricious as water and just as flavoursome. Add in any/all of the following: grated carrots, olives, chopped gherkins, pickled onions, various cheeses, chopped peppers -red for colour, mange tout, nuts, sunflower seeds, tuna fish or other tinned fish, apples, melon, tomatoes (also a fruit), avocado, fresh herbs, etc etc etc. (OK, maybe not all of the above!) This is your chance to empty the pantry of all those odd things that have been lurking at the back AND create new and interesting taste combinations to try out on your family!
Potato salad, greek salad, mozarella&tomato&basil inventive, be brave! Dressings can be anything liquid-and-oily so that it sticks to the food - I've diluted pesto with a bit of olive oil and used that, or olive oil alone when I'm lazy
lettuce, cherry toms, chopped avocado, grated parmesan cheese, caesar salar dressing. Delicious. Swop avocado for chicken. Leave avocado and chicken out. Still lovely. Maybe a few croutons thrown in.

A note about those packaged lettuces. I read an article which said that a lot of those packages have been packed months ago and are full of preseratives. They say it is better to buy and chop your own.

M & S do a nice caesar salad dressing or if you go North or to the UK you can get Mary Berry salad dressings, delicious. I haven't see them for sale down here.
Has anyone?
A spoonful of pesto goes a long way when it comes to flavouring up the old 'rabbit food'. And yes, avoid iceberg lettuce like the plague. Use rocket, spinach leaves etc. as a base, and then let your imagination run wild...:p
The (first) avoca cookbook have some nice ones.

My Fav:
chopped broccoli florets
cherry tom
hazelnuts (heat pan, no oil, fry slightly)
feta cheese

mix with a bit of french dressing.

Yum, diddly, yum (as flanders would say.)
Cous cous mixed with chopped up spring onions & peppers, drizzled with balsamic vinegar and served with crusty bread that's been rubbed with garlic and tomatoes.
if fat content is a concern avoid any "creamy" dressing, i normally use olive oil, vinegar or lemon juice and salt. it's healthier and brings out the flavour of the greens you're using.
Chick peas or kidney beans are also lovely - especially with Tuna and spinach !

I also started breeding my own shoots and they add quite a lot of taste - the radish ones are actually quite hot. Alternatively you can buy broccoli shoots in the shop

Throw in warm pasta to make it more like a hot dinner...

Put a garlic clove into your olive oil bottle to add taste

Top with roasted sunflower & pumpkin seeds
I have to defand the iceberg fairness, its not that bad. I use it as the base for my salads!!!

I just do much the same as the others. Mine usually has iceberg lettuce, bit of rocket, tomatoe or 2, slice of onion or 2, cucumber, bit of red cabbage for crunch, gherkin, cube of cheese, either tin of tuna or chicken breast, bit of sliced pepper.
I also have a bizarre thing where I heat up mushrooms and slices of courgette in the microwave and chuck them on top...
Thanks all - like the look of these.

One of my personal favourites - although not a salad is to stir fry any veg I can find with a dash of Soy sauce, throw in some thread egg noodles and tasty!! Takes about ten minutes

And as for Clubman: -

ClubMan said:
What's that? The H Block diet?

You know what I meant!:p