Royston Brady

Re: Royston

Good one cabbage!! Are you playing in the upcoming Kilkenny Cat Laughs Festival????

.....I think Royston would fit in well there, though.
Re: ..

Do you not think its a sad indictment of the electorate to say that people will be more inclined to vote for RB because of the negative publicity he's received. I'm not saying it won't happen but I'd prefer to have the media be prepared to point out a candidates deficiencies rather than hold fire because any publicity is good publicity. If people are that stupid then at least they can't point the finger after the election and say that they were never told.
Re: ..

I can bet Pat Rabbit is more popular after showing his temper in the dail earlier this week I must admit I thought it was a great show :lol

Full credit to RB he has certainly stirred up the publicity
and you folks know that all publicity is good, the guy is young in the political world and has voiced himself well during his career as LM of the Capital.
As Lord Mayor however that is all he can do, he has no authority to legislate or direct councils, HELLO , LM is basically a non authoritative function, he can only submit opinion and bring the matters to the fore.
He has been somewhat Cavalier, I have to laugh at the posters above as they have been sucked in........
Re: RB

good one xena, RB stirred up the publicity, there's no bad publicity, we've all been sucked in......

I like the use of "HELLO", is it hard for you now that friends and sex and the city have finally been axed? I know, I know I was like, could I have been more devasted but thank god for BB5.

Agreed. The lord mayor gig is purely symbolic (and boy has he put some bolic into it)

In what capacity therefore has he done anything to justify his election on this occasion?

He has no track record, no apparent opinions - just a funny name and a ropey story about having his posters nicked.


Dont be under any illusions but we need strong candidates in Europe as we are about to be shafted regarding votes etc and power. With so many new states coming in, it could end up like the Eurovision so maybe RB could be good !!
Re: "we are about to be shafted"

dont you mean

The Shafting Will Continue ?

( ask any trawlerman )
brill, spacer

The lord mayor gig is purely symbolic (and boy has he put some bolic into it)


First giant laugh I've got out of Royston. Thanks, Spacer, keep it up! :lol
Re: brill, spacer

Did anyone hear of Roystons rant regarding his father being kidnapped at gunpoint and being taken up the mountains by the loyalists at the time of the Dublin/Monaghan bombings! Is this just a blatant attempt to use someone elses misfortunes to promote oneself? He didnt come forward with this evidence for the inquiry! And it looks like the people who had relatives that died in those bombings are furious and rightly so! How low can Fianna Fail go in looking for a European seat!??

Does the guy have some dirt or something on Bertie considering the way Bertie goes around wiping his bum for him after he goes???
Re: ...

I reckon he is Bertie.
Whenever you see them together Royston's arm doesn't move and Bertie can't drink Bass while Royston is talking.

You mark my works when Royston goes to Europe, Bertie will as well as President of the Commission or some such role.

He only refused the Today FM interviews because he was worried that Matt Cooper would point out that he was sitting on Bertie's Lap.


Royston camera shy!

... and he stayed indoors/away from the cameras (that's a first!) over the weekend because he "wasn't feeling well" - poor pet - bet he was sick as the proverbial parrot!