Motor Renewing Insurance Pre 30 days Before


Registered User
I just came across a situation renewing my car insurance. We are going to the UK for a month + in my car, during which time my insurance will become due. I phoned up my Insurance Company asking for a quote with a view to renewing it now if the quote is acceptable. They will not give me a quote over 30 days before the due date; I cannot renew it from the UK because the quote will have gone to my house. I went online and all of the companies seem to have this 30 day rule. Looks like I will be driving back without any insurance or cutting my journey short.
Don't they make life difficult.
Contact a local broker and lay out your requirements as well as supplying a UK address or email contact / phone / fax number for quotes and a cover cert for your return journey.

BTW any competent insurance company could organise this is well.
I had something similar but got it sorted out with AXA. They were the only company that would give me cover for more than 30 days in Europe as I intend to take my car to Spain for the winter.AXA also have branches all over the country if you need to discuss it in person. I can see what you mean by the documents being posted to your house while you are in the UK but I think you should be able to get cover for your journey nevertheless. Good luck and enjoy the trip!
Thanks, just to clarify, I am not after 30 days in Europe, they will not quote me for an Irish policy more than 30 days in advance.