Ready to go back to work


Registered User
I have been on Illness Benefit for the past twelve months and I think (I hope) I am now ready to go back and face the job market. Its a bit scary to say the least.

I am not sure what I should do. Do I go back to my GP and tell him that I am ready to look for work.

While I am looking for work which could take a while as I would be a bit rusty having been out of a job for 12 months or so am I entitled to anything i.e. jobseeker's allowance and it could take me some time to find another job.

Can anyone please advise me?

Thank you

My advice would be just bite the bullet, put yourself out there and get a job. I don't know what you do, but there's plenty of work out there still, and even if you can't replace your former income, you might consider something that pays a little less, in the interests of getting back up to speed.

Under no circumstances should you rely on your GP to advise you whether to get a job or not.

Don't worry about being rusty - your talents will be easily spotted once you're back in the marketplace.

Best of luck with your endeavours! Wish you well.
I wasn't going to ask my GP more so tell him.

Thank you for your good wishes.

I have been keeping an eye on the papers and agencies but there is nothing really out there as such. I used to be a secretary but I have to admit I am nervous about interviews etc etc etc. I know from past experience that it can take a while and I need to pay the bills while I am looking.
Check your entitlements to Jobseeker's Benefits (which is based on your PRSI contributions) or Jobseeker's allowance (which is based on a means test). See for the conditions. After that, a chat with the Facilitator at your local Sw office would not go astray. If there are employment agencies in your area, go to them. The first step will be the hardest, it's all about building your confidence back up!
I used to be a secretary but I have to admit I am nervous about interviews etc etc etc.
There seems to be a strong market out there in short-term contracts for admin/secretarial support. This might be a good chance to test out the market tentatively. Contact your local recruitment agencies for more details.
I would agree with RainyDay. Try 'temping' initially until you confidence builds up and you have got a good idea of what is out there. You never know the company you are temping with may decide they wish to hold on to you and offer you a permanent position.

Best of luck.