PSEU and Mr T. Geraghty's letter to members.



I looked at the website. If anyone fancies a good laugh (or maybe cry?) they should have a look at the drivel being doled out by Mr T. Geraghty, General Secretary-Designate in his letters to members.
a) He attempts to create a ‘siege mentality’ in Public Service Pensions Levy Circular: BS (sic!) 022/09: e.g: …”while noting the obvious point that workers are not responsible for the enormity of the crisis facing the country…” without so much as a nod to wage inflation or “workers” being the very same people (myself included) that irresponsibly sough & took-out excessive loans/mortgages from lending institutions that helped fuel this mess. Obviously personal responsibly isn’t big in Unions…
b) in the same circular he shows how the Union movement has become totally divorced from reality as he bemoans the fact that Government action “….leaves profits, prices and taxes untouched”. While no one likes to ruin a nice story, I’ll politely suggest that there are no profits to be touched (the Evening Standard in London had a classic headline yesterday “Shock: Worlds biggest bank actually announces a small profit”), the deflation we are experiencing at present actually means prices are falling and while not being clairvoyant I’m guessing the 7th April ain’t gonna be pretty for our tax bills……..
c) Finally, I find it interesting that the Union are suggesting (in multiple circulars) that currency deflation could have helped solve our woes. FYI Mr Geraghty: In theory currency deflation may offer a short term benefit as our balance of trade adjusts but the reality is that deflation makes us poorer in real terms – is this what the Union really wants? Or are the union just so devoid of real solutions that they are throwing out unworkables?