Healthcare costs - not insurance Posting Guidelines for this forum

Brendan Burgess

21 Please don't discuss medical issues or weight loss
We do not discuss medical issues other than to provide links to support groups and medical forums. We do not allow recommendations for doctors, dentists or medical practitioners generally. We do not allow discussion of weight loss issues either, as they always develop into either advertising or medical topics such as anorexia.

There is a list of websites on medical issues here:

Key Post - List of useful health websites

Discussion of health issues is not allowed on Askaboutmoney. So I have compiled a list of sites where you can get medical information. Net Doctor MedLine Plus MedHunt Mayo Clinic Bupa health info Also VHI hon: health on the net is a kind of "kite mark" for health websites

You may discuss tax relief on medical expenses and pricing of medical services or health insurance. It is OK to provide information on the availability of emergency doctors or 24-hour pharmacies. But you should not discuss effectiveness of treatment or quality of care.