post and rail fencing



I will need to put up a fence soon and was thinking of post and rail. 90 meters long.

I reckon I could put it up myself if I get the materials. Has anyone done this before? I am getting some quotes in now and it seems to be about 1050 euro for all the material delivered to the house.

One more thing. Is it a bad idea to just get ordinary 2x4 from builders merchants and coat it with preservative myself rather than buy in the expensive pre-treated wodd which is about 8.50/m.

I understand you can't get creosote anymore but surely there is a good substitute.


There are good reasons why there is no more creosote available for the DIYers.The €1050 just for delivery is at the upper end of the price range.You need screws and hinges (gate)as well.Only the poles going into the ground need treatment.Timber that is aerated needs no treatment unless you plan to paint/seal it,Columbus had no treatment on his second hand boat neither.Go for Scandinavian timber,it is more stable at the connection points(screws)and use the best screws you can get,it's usually the screwed/nailed parts that give in first.

Thanks for the reply,

Do you know if I have to have screws, would nails do just as good? The reason I ask is that I have 2 buckets full of nails left over from my house building.
Maybe I should just get ordinary 2x4 and paint it myself.

Unless you have rust free nails and you CAN nail you better go for the screws ,the "yellow" ones,"passivated" it says on the packet.SPAX makes the best ones as far as I know,but I am willing to learn,so if you come across others that seem to be better value let me-us-know.They won't cost the world.If you think of painting the timber than you have to treat it before with a fungicide/insecticide.Painted timber (outside) is prone to attacks .
Wine barrels are stored wet (!) and are never treated.But they are not painted either.So a natural look is not only cheaper but also healthier .