Podcast recommendations


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I’m filling up my podcast vault in anticipation of doing 100 days of walking this year. Anyone got some good recommendations? Ones about personal finance would be great but other podcasts also would be appreciated.
Not finance related, but BBC sounds has a rake of them, majority are available in ROI.

Check out these programmes, each episode is 15 minutes.
Via the Sounds app on phone you can listen, or for most of the podcasts you can download on a PC and copy to your phone if connection will be unreliable.

The Essay - can touch upon any topic:

Michael Mosley Just One Thing - covers health and science related topics:

I am a fan of the Book of the Week \ Book at Bedtime but that might be a bit sedate for a walk.
I'd recommend Off Air. Its on 4 days a week. Its hosted by Jane Garvey and Fi Glover. They have an old podcast called Fortunately which was great too. Its a mix of subjects but is light entertainment I'd say.

Both former BBC broadcasters who were head hunted by Times Radio. They also have a radio slot from 3pm to 5pm. First time in the UK that a radio show has been hosted by 2 women.