Paint fumes when hot


Registered User
Mr*Wishbone used Hammerite Radiator paint on the heat reflecting boards behind our stove, the result is that our smoke alarm went off when we lit it.

We expect it can't cope with the heat and is smoking or giving off potentially harmful fumes.

so we need to remove it, or do we?

If we do how do we get in behind the stove?

Any suggestions gratefully received.

Mrs Wishbone
Hammerite produces a range of specialist paints for painting / treating metals. AFAIK they don't produce paint suitable for timber.

Their paints bind chemically to metal, rust or metal paint and probably won't work with timber. You'll need to get the timber out as the paint wont be bound properly and is probably still inside the timber's fibers and is giving off fumes.

I'd suggest masonry or metal is the safest options for behind a stove.
Thanks mathepac.
I expect we'll have to get the installers to move the stove, not great but live and learn.
All the best.