One Parent Family Payment should be replaced


Registered User
Eurostat go further, and provide a breakdown of VLWI across household types.

Proportion of population aged less than 60 living in households with very low work intensity, by household type, 2013

(Copied from another thread and edited - Protocol I hope I have done so correctly?- Brendan )

52% of single people and their children live in jobless households in Ireland. In the rest of the EU it's 29%.

In this context, I have long called for the abolition of OPFP, and its replacement with something else.

Paying OPFP encourages lone parenthood and leads to more people in VLWI households. Mothers and children suffer as a result.
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Could you expand on this a bit more? It is the most stark difference between Ireland and the rest of the EU.

What would you replace it with?

But it's not just the OPFP. Would the fact that a single woman without children has no chance of getting social housing give that woman a huge incentive to have children if she wants a place of her own?

Eurostat go further, and provide a breakdown of VLWI across household types.

Proportion of population aged less than 60 living in households with very low work intensity, by household type, 2013

View attachment 1508

God forbid we infringe on peoples rights and both parents of a child are required when a benefit payment application is made.